Chapter 136

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Narrator pov

A few days went by and Juliana was in her dorm room writing a letter to Kieran.


Juliana pov

"There, all done"

Ever since he didn't come say goodbye to me when I left Kitakami, I've been worried, I hope he's not mad at me because of Ogerpon choosing me.

"Pon pon"

I saw that Ogerpon was holding out a stamp in her little leafy hand.

"Why thank you Ogerpon" I took the stamp and put it on the envelope and after putting my letter in it, I closed it and put it in my backpack since I need to head to the post office to mail it off.

"Alright, I better get this mailed off and hurry back since I have classes today"

*Knock Knock*

"Who could that be?"

I walked over to the door and when I opened it, I saw that it was Arven.

"Hey cutie"

"Hey Arven, what's up?"

"I was just coming to ask if you know what classes you have today"

"Yes, I have Mr Jacq's and Ms Tyme's classes today"

"Cool, so do I" he grinned.


"Pon pon"

I glanced at Ogerpon and she was gesturing to my backpack.

"Oh right, I almost forgot"

"Almost forgot what?"

"I need to head to the post office because I wrote a letter to my friend Kieran and I want it to get mailed off right away"

"Alright, I can go with you"

"Thanks Arven"

After returning everyone to their pokeballs, I locked my door and we were off.


Narrator pov

After the couple took the letter to the post office, they were heading back to the academy.


Juliana pov

"So Arven, anything new happened while I was gone?"

"Not really, just the usual"

"I see"

"I've been meaning to ask, why did you write a letter to your friend Kieran instead of just call or text, did you both forgot to exchange phone numbers or something?"

"No, you see he doesn't have a phone like we do"

Arven looked surprised.


"Yeah, so that's why I need to write to him"

"I see, well that's pretty surprising that he doesn't have a phone"

"Yeah, but his sister does"

I still can't get over on how Kieran didn't come and say goodbye to me, I really really hope he responds to my letter.

"You okay cutie?"

I jumped when Arven spoke since I was in deep thought.

"Oh uh yeah, I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Well...okay, but if something is bothering you, I'm here for you" he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now