Chapter 177

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Juliana pov

Kieran looked at me in shock.

"Why are you asking that?"

" and Amarys were talking and she told me that when I first arrived here, you would always have intense that true?" I ask nervously.

"Um the time...sadly yes" he answered in hesitation.

"Kieran, I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry"

"It's just...I'm a horrible friend"

"No your not, why are you saying that?" he gasped.

"Well...first of all, I didn't tell you about meeting Ogerpon at the festival, second...I took Ogerpon when I knew you wanted her, third you became a different person and was pushing others because of me battling you and always beating you made you upset, and forth I knew how much you wanted Terapagos but...I took him...that's why I feel like I'm the reason you were hurt, pushing others and...that's why I'm saying that I'm a terrible friend" I covered my eyes and began crying.


Kieran pov

My heart broke from seeing Juliana in this state. I have to show her that's it's not her fault.


Juliana pov

"But Juliana...none of it is your fault, you're not a terrible friend...if anyone was a terrible friend, it was me...I should've not let my jealously get to me the way it did and I didn't stop to think how others were feeling, just myself...but Juliana you're not the reason I was like that, I promise you that...and I didn't think about Ogerpon and Terapagos's feelings either so them being with you  is better for them...and, I'm sorry for making you feel like this...but please Juliana, you gotta believe me" he begged.


Arven pov

I just arrived to the cafeteria and saw Juliana, but to my shock, she was crying and Kieran was sitting next to her.

Oh no, don't tell me that Kieran is doing something to her again.


Juliana pov

"I do believe you Kieran, but I can't help but think that I am a terrible friend"

"You're not Juliana, is there a way I can show you that I'm being sincere?"

"I don't know"


Me and Kieran were startled but I saw that it was Arven rushing over to us.

"Cutie, you okay?" he asks worryingly while kneeling in front of me.

"Y...yeah, I'm fine"

Arven began to wipe away the remaining tears with his thumbs.

"Kieran, what did you do to Juliana?" Arven glared at him and that caused Kieran to look all terrified.

"I...I didn't do nothing I...I swear"

"He's telling the truth Arven, I was just thinking that I'm a terrible friend to Kieran"

"Cutie, why would you think that?"

After I explained everything.

"Sweetie, you're not a terrible friend"

"He's right, you're not" Kieran added.

After a minute, I finally felt better and a small smile appeared on my face.

"You feel better now cutie?"

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