Chapter 126

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Juliana pov

I was amazed at the sight of the festival.

"Wow" I gasped.

"Here we are, this is the Festival of Masks" Kieran announced.

"This is...amazing, there's so many stalls and a lot of different masks"

"I bet you don't have any festivals this big over in Paldea right?" Carmine asks.

"Not that I know of, I haven't lived there that long so I have no idea"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I actually moved to Paldea, I was born in Galar"

Carmine looks at me in shock.

"No way"


"Do they have festivals there?"


She chuckled a little.

"Knew it, see Kitakami's just as good as any of your big, shiny cities" she bragged.

I frowned because I was starting to feel homesick again, I really miss everybody.

"It's okay Juliana, just ignore her"

"Don't take it personally"

"Oh I'm not, it's just..."

"Sis, look what you did, you made her feel bad" Kieran scolded angrily.

"I just said don't take it personally"

"It's fine you guys, I just...feel homesick that's all"

They stopped bickering after I said that.


"Anyway, I'll snap a photo so you can remember this amazing night forever" Carmine offered.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Can I borrow your roto stick for a sec?"


"Thank you"

After I handed her my roto stick, Carmine got in the middle of me and Kieran.

"C'mon you two, scooch in closer"

"Ow sis, you're stepping on my toe"

"Stop complaining Kiki, this'll only take a second, you two ready?"

"Yeah" I nodded.


"Say Chansey"

"Chansey" both me and Kieran say and the picture was taken.

"Now that's what I call a nice festival vibe" Carmine smiled.

"Thanks for the picture"

"No prob"

"Um...can I ask you both something?"

"Yeah Juliana, what it is" Kieran asks.

"So what's the Festival of Masks all about?"

"The Festival of Masks is held so we can all honor the Loyal Three, the brave heroes of Kitakami, the Loyal Three are the pokemon that once protected this land from the evil ogre you know" Carmine explained.

I remembered how one of the signboards I read today mentioned about that.

"Most of the kids in town wear masks of the Loyal Three, like me did I mention they're our heroes?"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now