Chapter 128

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Narrator pov

It took quite a while for Juliana to find the last signboard.


Juliana pov

"Thanks for your help Miraidon, return"

He went back in his ball.

"These are the Paradise Barrens, pretty lonely place huh?"

I jumped when I heard Kieran behind me.

"Oh Kieran, you've surprised me...again" I chuckled a little.


"It's fine"

"Anyway, according to the old legends, the ogre used to be seen around here lots"




"Hey uh...Juliana"


"Before we check out the sign...could you...battle me?"

I was surprised by his request, when I saw the look on his face, it looked like he was determined,  I can't help but think he's acting a little different today, I hope nothing's wrong.

"Sure, my pokemon would like to have some fresh air so a battle is perfect" I nodded.

"Okay, let's get started"

"Right" I nodded.

After we took our positions, he called out his Yanma and I called out Espeon.

"Yanma, tackle attack"

It dashed itself towards Espeon.

"Espeon, dodge it"

She moved out of the way.

"Espeon, psybeam"

She blasted her attack.

"Yanma, dodge it"

It flew up.

"Now use air cutter"

It blasted it's attack from above.

"Espeon, protect now"

She made a protected shield and the air cutter attack failed to get her.

"Now use shadow ball"

She made a shadow ball and blasted it at Yanma.

"Yanma, use swift"

It blasted it's swift and both the moves collided but to my surprise, Yanma was already dashing at Espeon.

"Now use shadow ball"

Before I could tell Espeon to dodge, it was to late because she was hit and it really did some damage on her since ghost type moves are strong against psychic types.

"Espeon, are you okay?"

"Esp" she nodded.

"Yanma, use giga drain"

"Espeon quick, use psybeam"

She blasted her attack and Yanma was hit and when it landed on the ground, it was defeated.

"Good job Espeon, that was awesome"

"Esp" she squealed.

"Yanma, return"

After it went back into it's pokeball, Kieran took out his second one.

"Poliwrath, let's go"

I was shocked to see that his Poliwhirl evolved so quickly, wow he sure is strong like Carmine mentioned before.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now