Chapter 166

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Narrator pov

A few weeks went by and the gang studied non stop and today was finally the day of the final exams.


Juliana pov

We were in Mr Jacq's class waiting for him to start the exam.

"I hope we do well on our exam"

"I'm sure we will Arven, we've studied non stop so we should be able to pass them with no problems" I say in determination.

"Yeah, so let's think positive and when we pass them, we can celebrate by going to Kitakami" Nemona added.

"Sounds like a plan and speaking of that, when should we go?" Penny asks.

"How about Thursday so that way we can ask our parents and pack everything we need" Arven suggested.

"Great idea" Penny nodded.

"Man I can't wait"

"Me neither, it'll be nice for you guys to meet Kieran and Carmine"

"I'm looking forward to battling them"

"I knew you were gonna say that" Arven sighed.

"Well they're both really strong battlers, especially Kieran" I explained.

"Now I'm looking forward to it even more"

"Hello hello everyone"

Everyone went silent and turned their attention to Mr Jacq.

"Today is our final exam, it will cover everything I've taught you so far but I'm sure you all will do just fine, now take your time and contemplate each question carefully, good luck to all of you"

The first question asks how many of the following four methods make it easier to catch a pokemon?

Inflicting paralysis, using a poke toy, feeding them a berry, surprising them from behind.

I thought really hard and wrote down two as my answer.

The second question saids true or false? You can get new pokemon only by catching them yourself or trading with other trainers.

I wrote down false.

"Question three saids, if a pokemon is holding an everstone, will using an item that induces evolutions, such as a fire stone cause it to evolve?

I circled no it won't as my answer.

Question four asks what is the probability of running into a shiny pokemon?

I circled one in four thousand as my answer.

The fifth question says true or false? The pokemon known as Oricorio has three forms.

I wrote false.

I assume this was the last question, and luckily it saids it won't affect my grade.

Do you have anything you would like to say about my class? I'm still getting used to this teaching thing, but I sure had fun as your teacher.

I wrote thank you for being our teacher.

Finally the school bell rang.

"Okay time's up rather you like it or not, I hope everyone enjoyed tackling those questions"

"Man, this is only the first one and I'm already tired"

"Hehe...I snuck in a little bonus question there right at the end again, shh, our little secret, don't tell the director" Mr Jacq chuckled.

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