Chapter 145

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Narrator pov

When Juliana and Miraidon finally made it to their destination. She thanked him and called him back to his pokeball.


Juliana pov

It turns out this place was called Polar Plaza.

"Wow, the snow is so pretty" I comment happily.

I saw a worker behind the desk, so I assume that's where I need to sign up for a battle with Drayton so I walked over to him.

"Welcome to the Polar Plaza, we're the team that supports Drayton of the Elite Four and you're...Juliana right?"

"Yes" I nodded.

"And your one of the BB League challengers?"

"That's correct"

"Alright, now you'll need to hand over fifty BP if you want to take on the Elite Trial here"

That took me by surprise, back at home I didn't need to pay, but I know all places are different so I'm willing to pay.

"Are you ready and willing to pay?"


"Hold up"

We turned to see Drayton.

"My friend here gets in free"

I was taken by surprise.

"A-are you sure Drayster, the rules say-"

But he cut him off.

"Just charge it to my account, that oughta take care of it"

"That's not...ok, understood, I'll make an exception"

"Many thanks, my man"

"Um Drayton, I can pay"

"Nonsense, it's the least I could do after having your amazing curry for lunch and sharing all your recipes with me"

"Like I said, I love sharing with my friends" I chuckled.

"But anyway, thanks for coming, let's hit the battle court"

"Okay" I nodded.

He led the way.

"Feast your eyes on the majesty of the Polar Plaza battle court"

"It's really amazing Drayton"

"Nah, it's basically the exact same battle court as in the other plazas, just colder"

"I can see that, especially with this area being all snowy and cold"

Then I noticed that he wasn't wearing any warming gear.

"Aren't you cold Drayton?"

"Nope, I'm a cold weather kinda guy, not what you's expect from a dragon type user, right?"

So he uses dragon type pokemon, with Dachsbun being a fairy type, she'll have the advantage.

"Anyhow buddy, you came to do my Elite Trial, not listen to me ramble, so let's hop to it" he says in excitement.

"Okay, I'm ready"

"That's your cue underlings, c'mon out!" Drayton called out loudly.

Then three people appeared.

"Now my trial's about skill, but it's chill so take it at whatever pace you want, but if you wanna dive right into battling your three clubmates, go nuts"

"Alright, I'm ready" I say in determination.

"Good luck to you and to you all as well, give it your best shot" Drayton encouraged.

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