Chapter 163

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Narrator pov

After the couple finished breakfast, they headed back to the academy since they had home economics, biology, math and language classes today.


Juliana pov

"I had a lot of fun last night"

"I did too, we'll need to have more sleepovers together more often"


"Hey you two, there you are"

We turned to see Nemona and Penny.

"Oh hi you guys, good morning" I greeted happily.

"Morning, ready for another day of class?" Penny asks.

"Unfortunately yes" Arven answered.

"What do you guys have today?" Nemona asks.

"Me and Arven have home economics, biology, math and language today"

"Awesome, so do we" she cheered.

"Alright, we get to be together again" I say in happiness.

"Well we better hurry, we don't wanna be late" Arven reminded.

"You're right, let's go"


Narrator pov

After the gang made it to Mr Saguaro's class, they found some seats and class was about to begin.


Juliana pov

"Put away your phones, it is time to begin our last class together" Mr Saguaro instructed.

"Home economics is the study of life's necessities, but looking back on our time together, I realize that I focused almost entirely on food"

"I'm okay with that" Arven mumbled to me.

"Me too" I whispered while smiling.

"I hope it is not too late to shift to a discussion of clothing, another necessity in our last class, as I'm sure you are all aware, our academy has an air of freedom about it, we provide uniforms for each season to accommodate the diverse climate of Paldea, however students are free to wear whichever style they wish whenever they please"

"Just like me" I heard Penny mumble quietly.

"You should all have received four sets of tops and bottoms, one of each for spring, summer, fall and winter when the academy accepted you may wish to peruse your wardrobe, as long as you wear our school uniform, the rest of your ensemble need not be school issued to wear one, you are even free to style your hair however you wish"

"Mr Salvatore's hairstyle for example would almost certainly have been against school rules when I was a boy"

"Wow, I didn't know that" I thought in shock.

"That reminds me...there is one more thing that you all like to decorate which I must say, I find quite charming, can anyone tell me what it is?"

I raised my hand.

"Yes Juliana, what's your answer?"

"Our Rotom phones"

"Perfectly correct, that's the adorable little thing I was speaking of, ohhh it interests me so"

"I must admit that I am fascinated by Rotom phones and how to customize them" he added.

"I'll need to buy me some more phone cases when I get a chance" I thought to myself.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now