Chapter 181

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Juliana pov

"Oh boy, what are we going to with her?" I chuckled.

"I ask myself that all the time" Kieran sat back down in his chair.

"She's fun to tease with"

"You like teasing her Drayton?" I ask in surprise.

"Yeah pretty much, it entertains me"

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you Drayton, she's a tough one"

"I'm not worried"

"Even though my sister is strict sometimes, she's a good person"

"I know Kieran" I smiled.

"Hi you guys"

We saw Arven heading our way.

"Hey Arven"

We exchanged a kiss.

"H-hi Arven"

"Yo Arven, what's up dude?"

"Just getting done with my classes for today, what are you three up too?"

"I was just entertaining Juliana and Kieran by having a old married couple argument with Carmine" Drayton laughed.


"I'll explain later Arven" I chuckled.

"Who said it entertained me?" Kieran asks in sarcastic.

"Come on man, you have to at least admit that it did"

"Good grief"

"You ready to go cutie?"


We got up and after saying our goodbyes to Kieran and Drayton, we walked hand in hand.

"So what should we do now?"

"Well...I was wanting to ask if...we can have a battle, we haven't had one for quite a while"

"Of course Arven, I would love to battle you" I pecked him on the cheek.

"Awesome, let's go"


Narrator pov

The couple had their battle at the school's entrance and of course, Juliana was the winner.


Juliana pov

"Thanks Espeon and Ogerpon, return for now"

They both went into their pokeballs.

"Sheesh, you're a little menace in battle, like usual" Arven comment while walking over to me.

"You were amazing as well Arven"

"You really think so?"

"I do" I nodded.

"I tried training up my team so that we wouldn't lose to you again, but no dice"

"Well you and your team have gotten stronger"


Then our lips touched again, I don't care if people were seeing us. I'm happy to be with my fiancee. After he parted, he gasped.

"Oh I just remembered"

"Remembered what?"

He took something out of his pocket and it was three phone cases, but when I got a good look at them, I noticed that they all looked like sandwiches.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now