Chapter 171

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Narrator pov

After returning to Paldea, Juliana and Arven announced their engagement to their moms and of course they were both very happy and excited.

Right now, Juliana was face chatting with Hop and the twins.


Juliana pov

"Wow, so Kieran invited you and the others to Kitakami?" Victor asks.

"Yep and man it was a blast, except the drama that happened with Pecharunt"

"You mentioned about catching it, so what are you going to do with it?" Gloria asks in curiosity.

"Oh don't worry, I'm gonna make sure it gets taught to not do anymore mischief"

"Good luck with that"

"Anyway, I uh...have some news for all of you"

"What is it?" Hop asks in curiosity.

"Well...brace yourselves because it's pretty big"

"Let me guess, you won a lottery?" Hop joked.

"No, but that would be nice" I laughed.

"So...what is it?"

Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh hold on a sec"

I hurried to the door to see my fiancee.

"Hey Arven"

"Hey cutie, whatcha up too?"

"I'm talking to Hop, Victor and Gloria"

"Oh, have you told them the news?"

"Getting ready to, come on in"

He sat down next to me on the bed and waved to them.

"Hi you guys"

"Hi Arven, how are you doing?" Hop asks.

"I'm doing great thank you"

"Come on Juliana, tell us your news, tell us tell us tell us" Gloria begged in desperate.

"Sis, hold your Horsea's will ya"

"I can't help it, I really want to know"

"Okay okay, now like I said before, brace yourselves"

"Okay, we're ready" Victor nodded.

"Hop...Victor...Gloria...while me and the others were at and" I blushed.

All of them gasped like they were gonna stop breathing any second.

"No way...are you serious?" Hop asks in shock.

"We're serious, I proposed to Juliana" Arven held my hand and we showed them my engagement ring.

"OH MY ARCEUS CONGRATULATIONS!" Gloria screamed in happiness.

"Wow, congratulations you two" Victor smiled.

"Congratulations" Hop grinned.

"Thank you all so much"

"Everyone, thank you" Arven smiled.

"You two make such a cute couple"

"Thanks Gloria"

"When is the wedding?" Victor asks.

"Well we wanna graduate school first before we start wedding planning"

"Sounds like a plan but again you guys, congratulations"

"Thank you Hop"

"Man, Lee, Marnie and Bede are gonna be very excited to hear the news"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now