Chapter 130

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Juliana pov

When Kieran called out his pokemon, to my surprise his Yanma evolved into a Yanmega.

"Espeon, come on out"

"Yanmega, use bug bite"

It dashed towards Espeon ready to bite her.

"Espeon, use swift"

She blasted her attack at Yanmega but it kept dodging all the stars blasting towards it.

Sadly, it managed to attack Espeon but she was still standing.

"Espeon, use psybeam"

She blasted it right at Yanmega but it was still flying.

"Use night slash"

It blasted it's attack.

"Espeon quick, use protect"

She managed to make a protected shield just before the night slash could hit her.

"Quick attack"

It dashed towards Espeon.

"Espeon, use quick attack as well"

She dashed towards Yanmega and they both collided at each other.

"Use aerial ace"

It's move managed to hit Espeon but she was still standing.

"Espeon, use psychic"

Her eyes glowed and Yanmega couldn't move.

"Now throw Yanmega down to the ground"

After she did, it was defeated.

"Good job Espeon"


"Yanmega, return"

After it went inside it's pokeball, Kieran took out his second one.

"Gligar, you're up"

After it came out, I decided to use my new partner.

"Espeon, return"

After going back into her pokeball.

"Alright, Milotic come on out"


"Gligar, use poison sting"

It blasted poison at Milotic.

"Milotic, use icy wind"

Her icy wind froze the poison sting.

"Now use thunder fang"

It's teeth started to have electricity in them and it dashed towards Milotic, before I could tell her to dodge, it was too late and Gligar bit her on the neck.

"Milotic, shake it off"

She shook her whole body so fast that Gligar lost its grip.

"Alright, now use avalanche"

Lots of snow appeared and it fell right on top of Gligar and it was defeated immediately since it's weak against ice type moves.

"Great job Milotic, that was awesome"

"Milo" she smiled at me.

"Gligar, return"

After going back into it's ball, Kieran took out his third one.

"Dipplin, let's go"

After it appeared, I decided to keep using Milotic.

"Dipplin, use bullet seed"

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