Chapter 174

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Narrator pov

After the couple got to Canyon Biome, they were seeing some amazing sights.


Juliana pov

"This place is amazing"

"Yeah it is, we'll need to have a picnic here one day" I suggested.

"Yeah we should, this area seems like the perfect place to have picnic's"

We then decided to sit down on the ground but Arven took out a blanket for us to sit on.

"So Arven, besides all the hectic from earlier, are you enjoying Blueberry Academy so far?"

"'s pretty different then Uva Academy...but it's a cool school I guess, Mr Clavell said that studying here will help me raise my credits and be able to graduate"

"That's good to hear"

"The only thing that will suck is when I do graduate, I won't be able to see you in school anymore"

"That will be a bummer but...we'll still be together" I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You bet we will...I can't wait to call you my wife"

"And I can't wait to call you my husband"

Then our lips touched again.


Kieran pov

I was looking for Juliana because I was hoping me and her can have a battle but I couldn't find her anywhere.

I headed to the League Club room and saw Penny there. Maybe she knows where Juliana is.

"Hi Penny"

She looked up at me from her phone and smiled.

"Hi Kieran, how are you?"

"I'm fine thank you, you know by any chance know where Juliana is?"

"She's out with Arven, they went on a nature walk in the Canyon Biome"

"Oh...I see"

"Do you need her for something cause if so, I can text her for you" Penny offered.

"N-no, I was just hoping me and her can have a battle, we haven't had one in a while and I...I was hoping we could"

"Oh...well maybe you can ask her later when she and Arven get back"

"Yeah true...thanks Penny"

"It's no problem"

Then I heard noises coming from her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing a game, it's called tap Dragonite"

(A/n: If you remembered a game called tap dragon, that's what Penny's playing but with Dragonite in it)

"I've never heard of that game before, how do you play?"

"Here let me show you"

I watched Penny play the tap Dragonite game and it sure looked hard but fun.

"Wow, that sure looks challenging"

"Yeah it is, I can't get pass the number twenty three, it gets harder and harder"

"Well...I-I'm sure you'll get it one day"

"Thanks Kieran, wanna try?"

I was surprised by her offer but nodded.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now