Chapter 137

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Narrator pov

Juliana was face chatting with Hop and the twins. She was just getting done telling them about her trip.


Juliana pov

"Wow, Kitakami sounds so cool" Hop comment.

"Yeah it was"

"And you meeting some kids from a school called Blueberry Academy, that's also cool"

"I agree with you bro"

"And you caught new pokemon, you said a Milotic and...what was the other one?" Gloria asks.


"Is it a pokemon that can only be found in Kitakami?" Victor asks in curiosity.

"Well, that I don't know, I mean she was from there but I don't think theirs any other Ogerpon's in the existence"

"That's sad" Gloria frowned.

"I mean I'm not a hundred percent sure, they're might be but who knows, all I know is she was in the legend they told in Kitakami, even though it was all a misunderstanding"

"Wow, so she's a legendary pokemon?" Hop asks in excitement.

"Umm...I don't know"


"But hey, at least you got a very rare pokemon"

"That's true Victor"

"You gotta be pretty lucky to have one" Gloria added.

"That's also true"

Before I could say more, suddenly I got another call from...Mr Clavell?

"Hey you guys, sorry I'll need to call you back, I'm getting a call from the director"

"Oh okay, bye Juliana" they all waved.

"Bye guys"

After hanging up, I answered the call from Mr Clavell, I wonder what he wants?


"This is Clavell, do I have the pleasure of speaking with miss Juliana?"

"Hi director Clavell"

"My my, it certainly does this old heart good to be greeted with such a lively response"

"How are you doing today sir?"

"I'm fine thank you, but I need a moment of your time, do you mind?"

"No not at all sir, what can I do for you?" I ask in curiosity.

"Well, there's something we need to discuss"

"Um...what would that be?"

"Well miss Juliana... you're about to be presented with an exceptional opportunity"

I was surprised, I wonder what it is?

"Now you already know of the Unova region's Blueberry Academy right?"

"Yes I do, at Kitakami I made two new friends that go to Blueberry Academy"

"I see, well tales of your school trip to Kitakami with the Blueberry cohort reached to my office"

I was shocked.


"Yes, and the director of Blueberry Academy happens to be an old friend of mine"


"And he told me that he would be delighted to host you as an exchange student at his school"

I was more shocked then ever.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now