Chapter 169

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Juliana pov

"Okay, we need to think...before gramps started acting like Carmine, he ate some of that weird mochi"

"Yeah...I wonder"

Before I could say more, my phone started ringing.

"Who's calling you?"

I looked at the caller ID and it was Arven.

"It's Arven"

I immediately answered.

"Hi Arven"

"Juliana, how're you doing out there, you okay?" he asks worryingly.

"Were fine" I nodded.

"Thank goodness, just hearing your voice is helping me calm down"

"I'm sorry for worrying you"

"It's okay, but not hearing from you guys for a while got us both worried, we stepped outside and things are weird out here, like really weird"

"We were attacked by all the folks shouting mochi mochi at us, and we couldn't spot you anywhere, so I was beginning to fear the worst"

"Again Arven I'm really sorry for scaring you but are you and Penny okay?"

"We're holding tight by that Peachy's place for the moment but-"

"Eek eyaaauuughhh!"

We jumped to hear Penny's scream.

"There's something there... there's SOMETHING THERE ARVEN!"

"Penny, wha...GYAH!"

"What's wrong, are you two okay?" Kieran asks in concern.

"Oh crud, this does not look good!"

I was about to ask but was cut off by the sound of clunk and clattered sound.

"Arven, are you okay?" I ask worryingly.

*boop boop boop*

"Arven, hey Arven!" Kieran called out.

But there was no answer.

"Arven, can you hear me?!"

Still no answer.

My heart started pounding like crazy, oh man I hope there okay.

"Something must've got them" Kieran guessed.

"We gotta go back"

"Right...grandma, grandpa...I'll be back so don't go anywhere"

"Wait a minute, what about Nemona?"

"I wanna find her, but we gotta get to Peachy's and check on Arven and Penny"

"You're right, I hope they're both okay"

"C'mon, let's hurry"


Then we ran as fast as our legs could take us.


Narrator pov

After running non stop, Juliana and Kieran made it back to Mossui Town.


Juliana pov

When Peachy was in sight, I saw Arven and Penny there.

"Arven, Penny!" Kieran called out.

That got both there attention.

"You guys!"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now