Chapter 144

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Narrator pov

Juliana got herself cleaned up and was sitting on her bed.


Juliana pov

"Thanks again Carmine"

"No problem, I'll leave you alone so you can calm down and it would be a good idea to relax for the rest of the day"


"Call me if you need anything"

"I will, thanks"

After Carmine left, I called out all my pokemon except for Milotic since she's a little too big for the room.

They all noticed that I looked upset and they all started to try and comfort me.

"Thanks you guys, I'm glad I have you"

Espeon nuzzled her face on mine while Ogerpon had her leafy arms wrapped around me. Miraidon licked me on the cheek.

"I should tell you that Kieran doesn't consider me his friend anymore"

After I said that, more tears came out. I don't know what to do. I really want to try out for the BB League but I don't want to be around Kieran.

*Ring Ring*

I jumped when I heard my phone ringing, I looked at the called ID and I was glad to see it was Arven calling me. I really needed to hear his voice. I saw that he wanted to video chat with me so I answered.

"Hi cutie" he greeted happily.

"Hi Arven"

His happy look turned into a concern look.

"Are you okay?"

More tears rolled down my cheeks.


"Juliana, what's wrong?"

I told Arven what had happened with Kieran and after telling him the whole story, he was really furious.

"What a jerk, I can't believe he said all that"

"I know, he's not the Kieran I once knew"

"Cutie, I'm really sorry"

"I was thinking about talking to the director and ask him if I can just come home"

"But Juliana, didn't you mention about participating in the BB League?"


"I hate for you to miss that opportunity"

"I know, but the issue is if I'm able to beat the elite four, I have to battle Kieran, he's the champion"

"He doesn't deserve to be a champion from how he's treating others, and I hate that he made you upset"

"I know, and I don't know what to do, I just wish you were here with me" I sniffled.

"I know cutie, I wish I was too, I hate knowing that you're crying and I can't be there to hold you"

"Don't blame yourself, like I said before I think I'm gonna ask to leave"

"Look Juliana, I get that he made you upset, but you shouldn't leave and besides, you did make some new friends right?"


"And they want you to participate in the BB League right?"


"Well you don't want to disappoint them, and not only that, I think it'll be a great opportunity for you to kick that Kieran jerks butt"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now