Chapter 165

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Narrator pov

The next day after breakfast, Juliana said her goodbyes to her mom and all her pokemon and headed back to the academy.

The classes she has today are history, battle studies and art.

So after arriving to Ms Raifort's class, she saw the others and went over to join them.


Juliana pov

"Good morning you guys"

"Morning Juliana" Penny greeted.

"Morning cutie"

"Good morning"

"Greetings my little students"

We turned our attention to Ms Raifort.

"Whatever you did yesterday is now part of history, today is our last class, so I would like to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us one last time"

"In our last class I taught you about the Area Zero Expedition of two hundred years ago, but alas two hundred years is not that long ago, nope not that long ago at all" she frowned while shaking her head.

"How unfortunate that our history lesson must march so inexorably toward the future"

"I'm ready to not hear more about Area Zero" I thought to myself.

"Would it not be more of an adventure to march toward the past right?" Ms Raifort questioned.

"To start from our present and study history in reverse?"

Her gaze was now on me.

"What do you think Juliana?"

"Why out of all people she always chooses me?" I wondered.

"Um...yeah, I think it would" I answered nervously.

"So you agree with me huh, however I'm afraid I risk incurring the wrath of our dear director if I stray from the curriculum"s" she sighed.

"But I suppose I have no choice but to let the flow of time carry us towards the future, now in this last class of ours I shall fill your mids with the history of the terastal phenomenon"

"I'm ready to get this over with" I thought to myself.

"The technology behind tera orbs has its origins in Area Zero, even after the Area Zero Expedition supposedly reached the crater's deepest depths, others continued to explore that area...and around one hundred and forty years ago, pokemon cloaked in a mysterious light were discovered there, as you may have already guessed these were in fact terastallized pokemon"

"However, when those who discovered these pokemon brought them out of Area Zero, the light faded and the terastal phenomenon remained a mystery for quite some time, however ten years ago...ugh, might as well be present day, a certain someone you have definitely heard of unraveled this mystery"

I glanced over at Arven who had a huge frown on his face. I think I know who Ms Raifort was talking about.


I jumped and turned back to Ms Raifort.

"Answer me this...what is the name of the famous professor who unraveled this terastal phenomenon mystery?"

"Um...professor Turo" I answered in hesitation.

"Correct, amazing that you a transfer to our academy could correctly answer this must be very diligent in your studies"

I glanced over at Arven again and I gently took his hand in mine.

"It's okay" I whispered to him.

He gave me a small smile.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now