Chapter 168

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Narrator pov

Juliana, Arven and Penny watched the battle between Nemona and Kieran. It went on for a while and the one that one was Nemona.


Juliana pov

I walked over to Kieran.

"I got completely destroyed...who the heck is Nemona anyway?" he asks.

"She's used to be the champion"

That took Kieran by surprise.

"Wait, she was a champion in the Paldea Region?"

"Yep" I nodded.

"Now it makes sense on how she's so good then"

Nemona ran over to us.

"Kieran, you're so good"

"R-really, you think so?"

"I do, it was an awesome battle, it's no wonder you were the champion of the fancy pants school of yours" Nemona comment.

"B-but...I couldn't beat you" he says sadly.

"It doesn't matter rather you win or lose, pokemon battles are a blast"

"She's right about that" I added with a nod.

That made Kieran smile again.

"Yeah, that's true"

"That's Nemona for you, you'll get used to it" says Arven.

"You doing okay, feel like running for the hills yet?" Penny asks in a joke tone.

"Hey!" Nemona exclaimed unhappily.

"N-not at all, it was a lot of fun" Kieran answered nervously.

"I really had a lot of fun" he chuckled.


I chuckled along.

"Whoa, who the heck are you?!"

Hearing Arven's startled voice made me turn around and to my surprise, I saw Carmine but something was off about her. I noticed her eyes were...purple? Kieran turned around as well.

"Carmine, hi"

"Sis, you okay?"


"What was that Carmine?"

Suddenly she started dancing.

"Mochi MOCHI!!!!"

I gasped, she's never done anything like this before, at least not that I know of.


"Mochi mochi MOCHI MOCHI!!!!" she only replied.

"Is this your big sister Kieran?" Nemona asks.


I can tell Kieran was shocked by this too.

"Do you think she wants in on the battle fun too?"

"There's no way that's what's going on here" says Penny.

She and Arven looked shocked as well.

"S-sorry everybody, but could you help me, uh...carry my sis somewhere safe?!"

"You want us to pick her up and drag her off?!" Arven asks in shock.

"Uh...yeah, please"

"I mean...sure if you say so"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now