Chapter 150

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Narrator pov

Lacey called out her Whimsicott and Granbull and Juliana called out Lucario and Ogerpon who was in her hearthflame form.


Juliana pov

"Granbull, use fire fang on Lucario"

It dashed towards him with it's mouth wide open with flames on it's teeth.

"Lucario, screech let's go"

He made a horrible screeching sound that caused Granbull to cover it's ears, even Whimsicott and Ogerpon were as well. Lacey and I covered our ears too.

"Whimsicott, use moonblast"

It made a huge ball and blasted it Lucario.

"Ogerpon, quick use ivy cudgel"

She jumped high in the air and destroyed the moonblast to protect Lucario.

"Good work"

"Pon pon"

"Whimsicott, use vine whip"

It wrapped its vines on Ogerpon and lifted her in the air. She tried to free herself but couldn't.

"Now use energy ball"

It blasted it at Ogerpon and she fell hard to the ground but got up.

"Ogerpon, are you okay?" I ask worryingly.

She just nodded as her response.

"Alright, Lucario use ice punch"

His fist turned all icy and he dashed towards Whimsicott.

"Granbull, use flamethrower to protect Whimsicott"

Granbull got in front of Whimsicott  and blasted it's flamethrower and he got hit sadly, but was still up.

"Now use play rough"

It got ready to attack.

"Lucario quick, use steel beam"

He blasted a really powerful one and after it hit Granbull, it was defeated.

"Granbull is unable to battle, Lucario wins"

"Way a go Lucario" I say proudly.


"Granbull, return"

After going back into it's pokeball, Lacey took out her third one.

"Go, Primarina"

It then came out of it's pokeball.

"Lucario, use thunder punch on Primarina"

He dashed towards Primarina with his fist that had electricity on it.

"Primarina, use moonblast"

It blasted it at him.

"Ogerpon, use ivy cudgel" she jumped into the air and destroyed the moonblast.

"Now use energy ball"

She blasted it at Primarina and it took some damage but was still standing.

"Whimsicott, use vine whip"

It grabbed Ogerpon again with it's vines.

"Now Primarina, use ice beam"

It blasted it right at Ogerpon and she got frozen. Then Whimsicott threw her hard on the ground and she was defeated.

"Ogerpon is unable to battle, Whimsicott wins"

"Ogerpon, return"

She went back into her pokeball.

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