Chapter 172

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Narrator pov

A month went by and Juliana and the gang were on a plane because Mr Clavell announced to them that they all can go to Blueberry Academy to do all the classes there and it would help them get more credits.


Juliana pov

"So, you guys excited?"

"You bet, I cannot wait to battle lots and lots of trainers at Blueberry Academy" Nemona squealed in excitement.

"Does Carmine and Kieran know were coming?" Penny asks.

"Yes, I texted Carmine a week ago and told her, she and Kieran are excited"

"I really hope doing some studying there will help me catch up on my missing credits"

"I'm sure they will Arven, and I'll be happy to help you out as well"

"Thanks cutie, you're so sweet" he booped me on the nose and that caused me to giggle.

"Hey Juliana, didn't you mention about Blueberry Academy having clubs there?" Nemona asks.

"Yes, the one I went to so far is the League Club, it's really cool"

"What do people do at the League Club?" Arven asks.

I explained everything about the League Club.

"Sounds like a cool place" Nemona comment.

"It is, I didn't know anything about it until my friend Drayton told me when I first arrived to Blueberry Academy, he recommended that I join"

"So you mentioned that Kieran was in charge of the place when he was the champion, but if he isn't, who is?"

"I don't know, it should be me from defeating him and being the new champion but...for being an exchange student, my elite four friends need to sort some stuff out"

"I wonder if they did?" Penny wondered.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask them when I see them"

"You met the director, what is he like?" Arven asks in curiosity.

"Well...he's the complete opposite of Mr Clavell"

"How?" Penny asks.

"Okay, so you all know how Mr Clavell doesn't allow pokemon battles in the school's entrance?"


"Well Mr Cyrano, which that's the name of the Blueberry Academy's director allows it"

"No way" Penny gasped.

"Not joking, I was surprised myself" I chuckled.

"And...he's very lay back, calm and loosen up" I added.

"Mr Clavell is nothing like that at all" Nemona comment.

"Yeah and...well, Mr Cyrano has this issue where he would sometimes forget something important"

"Does he not have a good memory or something?" Arven asks in confusion.

"I'm not sure"

"What else do we need to know about Blueberry Academy?" Penny asks.

"Well, as crazy as this sounds, most part of the school is underwater, but theirs this area where you go to and it will feel like you're on land"

They gasped in shock.

"No way"

"Yep, and theirs lots of wild pokemon and there's even some that you can't find in Paldea"

"Wow, so cool" Nemona squealed.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now