Chapter 183

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Narrator pov

After a while, they arrived to the classroom that the other team star bosses were working in.


Juliana pov

"Sup gang, studying hard I hope" says Giacomo.

That made Ortega and Atticus look up at him in surprise.

"Well we WERE before you and your big mouth showed up" Ortega says in sarcastic.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt"

"Let me guess, here to check we're not slacking off are you?" Ortega asks.

I see that his attitude hasn't changed.

"Pretty much, your eyes start glazing over the second I'm out the door, tell me I'm wrong"

Ortega just looked away.

"Ah, lady Eri in her academy uniform...I feel my eyes sharpen and my mind focus each time this vision returns to greet me" Atticus says happily.

Wow, it's strange to see Atticus not in his ninja outfit, the only time I saw him take off his mask was when me and Penny saw him at the school store.

"If only that focus were helpful for your studies, Atticus...I'm sorry if I keep distracting you" Eri frowned.

"Please don't apologize lady Eri, the one who would district me is my beautiful Penny"

I giggled quietly.

"Oho what's this, my ninja senses detect the presence of another behind thee, lady Eri"

I was surprised by this. I guess hiding from Atticus is impossible if anyone tried to play hide and seek with him.

"Come, step forward knave, that we might see thy face" Atticus requested.

"It's me Juliana"

Both Giacomo and Eri moved out of my way and revealed me. I gave Atticus and Ortega a big smile.

"Hi you guys, it's been a while" I greeted happily.

"What the...noooooo no no no, why is this happening?!" Ortega panicked.

"Ah I should have surmis'd as much, the strength of thy spirit precedes thee as ever, good lady"

"Never mind that, Giacomo EXPLAIN what's Juliana doing here?!"

"Hey now, be nice to Juliana...wait no, professor Juliana is gonna be your tutor"

"Um...Giacomo, you don't have to call me professor Juliana, just plain Juliana is fine" I chuckled.

"Nah, professor Juliana is what you're gonna be called for this tutoring session"

"O, glad tidings I am truly grateful to hear it" Atticus smiled.

"She's gonna be WHAT, since when?!"

"Well, Giacomo and Eri explained to me about how you guys were struggling and asked me to help out" I explained.

"You can't just go stomping around deciding stuff like this without asking anyone Giacomo!" Ortega scolded.

"Oh come on man" Giacomo frowned.

"And YOU!"

I jumped when Ortega shouted at me.

"We don't need a tutor, do us a favor and toddle on home would you"

"Oh uh...sure I'm sorry...I'll go"

I began to leave but a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"No Juliana, you stay"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now