Chapter 139

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Juliana pov

"Man, Mr Hassel sure is an emotional type" Penny comment.

"Well, that wasn't the first time I witnessed it, back at the pokemon league, he did the same thing"

"Did he really?" Arven asks in surprise.

"Yep" I nodded.

"I hope he's gonna be okay"

"Don't worry Penny, he'll be fine" Nemona assured.

"Well, let's head to language class"

"Man, that class gives me a headache" Arven groaned.

"It's not really that bad, it's pretty fun to learn all the different languages"

"I guess, it's just the way other languages sound are just confusing"

We saw that we made it to Mr Salvatore's class and managed to find some seats.

"Looks like class is about to start" says Penny.

"Hello everyone, how did you like the midterm exam?"

Everyone just stayed silent.

"I'm happy to say that you all did really great, we're halfway there and now, time for another lesson, Etes-vous prets are you ready?"

Some students said yes and some said oui.

"Tres bonne reponse great answers, merci my friends, I knew I could count on you stars, now leading up to the midterm, we learned all sorts of words from different regions"

"Starting today though, I'll be throwing a curve ball for we begin listening comprehension"

"Vas-y go for it my assistant, pika pi Pikachu"

To my surprise, he called out a Pikachu.

"Pikachu" it squealed happily.

"I wonder why he's using a Pikachu?" Arven questioned quietly.

"I wonder too" I say quietly.

"As you just heard, pokemon can also use words to communicate, it's not always easy to use to understand them, but their words have meaning just as ours do"

"He's not wrong about that, but with having a pokemon talking app, it makes it easier to understand them" I thought to myself.

"Pokemon can use language to share all kinds of information with each other, like the location of food or whether there may be predators nearby, the same pokemon's cries may sound different depending on what it wants to say"

"He's not wrong about that"

"Now I'm sure you're all curious, so aujourd'hui today, let's learn some pokemon language"

"This should be easy, I hope"

"Je t'en prie, if you would be so kind Pikachu"


"What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?"

I raised my hand.

"Juliana, you have the answer?"

"It was showing anger"

"Merveilleux Juliana, that is correct I guess we should call you a professor" Mr Salvatore joked.

"When Pikachu says..." he turns to Pikachu again.


"It's using its anger voice, but don't worry everyone, I had my little Pikachu friend here pretend to be angry at us"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now