Chapter 200 - Marriage/Baby-5/Foxy!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



In a bar on a part of the Sabaody Archipelago, a bar dawned quiet with only two people inside before the establishment opened.

"I don't know why, but I feel like my day is going to change in the next few minutes..." Rayleigh commented while drinking his first bottle of alcohol of the day.

"You're always so pessimistic..." Shakuyaku commented beside him.

"Anyway..." Just as Rayleigh was about to comment, the den den mushi behind the bar counter began to ring.

"Hm? Gloriosa?" Shakuyaku asked, looking at the den den mushi.


As soon as the signal went off, Gloriosa spoke from the other side. "Shakuyaku, is that you?" She asked with a tone that was uncommon for the lady to speak.

"Yes, what's up, did something happen?" Shakuyaku asked, and Rayleigh stopped drinking to listen to what seemed urgent.

"Listen, something happened, something big!" The woman said.

"What happened?" Shakuyaku asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Listen! Hancock is pregnant with twins!" Gloriosa exclaimed.

"..." Shakuyaku

"..." Rayleigh

A silence settled in the bar at that moment, "Can you repeat that, I think I didn't understand." Shakuyaku had to ask again.

"She's pregnant, by the pirate Monkey D. Luffy, I don't know many details, but they were stranded on an island for a week, that was the result!" Gloriosa exclaimed.

"..." Shakuyaku.

"Hahahahahaha!" Rayleigh began to laugh upon hearing this.

"How is that possible, that woman hates men!" Shakuyaku asked with a quite surprised tone.

"Like I said, I don't know the details, but that's what happened, and Hancock is freaking out here." Gloriosa said.

"What? What are you doing, where is the father?" the woman exclaimed.

"The father doesn't even know Hancock is pregnant, he's somewhere in the Calm Belt from what they told me, but let me tell you what happened with Hancock..."

*Start of the Flashback.*

"I'm pregnant?" Hancock murmured, looking at her belly as she touched it after hearing the news.

"Sister..." Marigold was dazed beside her brother.

"Leave me!" Hancock immediately shouted, she wanted to be alone after learning about this.

"But sister..." Her other sister was going to speak.

"Just leave me, I want to be alone, we'll talk tomorrow!" Hancock exclaimed and the two sisters along with Gloriosa, had to leave the room, Gloriosa ended up staying in the castle that night and waited until the morning when Hancock finally came out of the room.

The woman walked with closed eyes and sat in front of her sisters and the lady.

"I've made up my mind." She spoke still with her eyes closed.

The other 3 women swallowed hard waiting for the pirate empress to speak.

"We will continue with an alliance with the Monkey D. Luffy pirates, and as with any alliance, the best way to cement it... is with a marriage!" She opened her eyes and Hancock spoke with a tone never heard before and her face looked like a girl in love. As she placed her hand on her cheek saying the possible names of her daughters, since all the women of Amazon Lily give birth to girls.

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