Chapter 240 - Aftermath 01!

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy was engulfed in a shower of light as everything around him exploded. A moment later, he moved out of the admiral's attack range, slightly injured while Kizaru chased after him.

"You should be worried about your companions, after all, even if you're faster in this form, I'm more resilient, and you can't stop me," Luffy said calmly.

His feet crushed the already cracked ground, and he resumed his escape as a line of light pursued him. Explosions burst forth as he dodged the admiral's attacks, getting ever closer to the end of the island.

"This is getting troublesome..." Kizaru commented, seeing that despite causing damage to Luffy, the giant did not stop.

Luffy waited until he reached the edge of the island and turned to face Kizaru. "The island is breaking apart, and many have died. I usually don't do this with my enemies, but today I'll make an exception because my sister and my grandfather are marines," he said, as at that moment, the island began to collapse.

Several cracked parts started to detach and fall into the void.

"This is bad!" Tsuru commented while watching the island being destroyed with many marines still on it, as it wasn't quick to evacuate more than 20,000 marines from the island.

"The island is falling!!! We must flee!"

"It's impossible, there's no way everyone can get across the bridge!"

"Are we going to die here, just like this?"

The crowd of men and women became desperate as the other side of the island crumbled.

"Stay calm!" A vice admiral tried to calm the panic.

Several marines who could use geppo were helping their colleagues, and Lucy was one of them as she stretched her arm to grab the marines on the island and throw them onto the ship away from the island with the boats.

Akainu flew through the air, above them without care, his only goal being to eliminate Monkey D. Luffy on the other side of the island as he was almost escaping.

Luffy, seeing the chaos, while Kizaru seemed torn between attacking the pirate or helping the marines while frowning.

"This is my final gift to help you, thank you for the fights, it was quite fun despite getting beaten up fighting against two admirals..." Luffy said, and with his foot on the ground, he activated the Moa Moa no mi, setting the island's gravity to 0.01. With this, the island stopped trembling and collapsing, becoming inert, even with many of the loose stones flying upwards due to the negative gravity.

"This?!" Kizaru was surprised by this and he knew it was done by Luffy, who only looked at him for a millisecond, before turning and jumping towards his ship at sea. Kizaru could have pursued him, but stayed put, just watching.

"What?! He escaped!! How could you let this happen?!" Akainu arrived a moment later, seeing the huge Ifrit flying in the distance while admiral Kizaru remained watching him escape.

"He escaped, I couldn't do anything," Kizaru commented, shrugging.

"What do you mean by this?! You did this on purpose..." Akainu did not finish grumbling his complaints, as Kizaru simply spoke. "I have to help the people, goodbye." He said, turning into light and disappearing while Akainu became even more frustrated by this mission being a total failure.

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