Chapter 296 - Impeldown 05.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marinefort, First Half of Grandline.



While chaos ensued in Impel Down without the world truly knowing what was happening in one of the most fortified places in the world, hours began to pass since the first attack, and they started to realize something was wrong.

"Our prisoner is being kept in a special cell until the execution tomorrow..." An officer reported Ace's situation.

"I understand..." Sengoku spoke calmly, ready to document all reports before the war. "You may go..." He requested as the man left the room.

But just as the door was about to close, it was opened again with other officers running into the room. "What is it now?" Sengoku asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fleet Admiral, we searched for the Shichibukai Marshal D. Teach as you requested, but we couldn't find him anywhere!" He spoke quickly with urgency.

"He's not at Marineford?" Sengoku asked, frowning.

"Fleet Admiral... there's a warship missing from our ports!" The man reported.

"What?! Are you saying that Shichibukai fled with one of our ships?!" Sengoku, already furious, now shattered the table beneath him.

"Yes! We don't know how they did it, but it's very likely that the ship we can't locate is in the Shichibukai's possession!" The officer stated.

"What is he doing, deserting hours before the war?" Sengoku couldn't understand the logic behind this on the eve of battle.

"I'll check this with the monitoring room..." Sengoku said, picking up the Den Den Mushi, turning it back on after having it off during the last meeting he had with the admirals and vice-admirals before completing the report with the officers who had just appeared.

He saw there were many missed calls at that moment, and as soon as he turned on the Den Den Mushi, it didn't take long for it to ring.

"Hello..." Sengoku answered.

"Fleet Vice-Admiral! We lost contact with Impel Down!" The urgency in the voice on the other side of the Den Den Mushi was evident.

"What do you mean lost contact, when did this happen?!" Sengoku asked, not liking the situation at all.

"We contacted them half an hour ago to discuss some prisoners we were transferring before the war, but communication seems to be cut off, there's no call at all!" The Den Den Mushi relayed while everyone near Sengoku, listening, frowned.

"What is this... When was the last time you contacted Impel Down?" Sengoku inquired.

"The last time was when the admirals took Ace out of prison..." Reported the sailor.

"At least 6 hours ago... This is bad, I can't pull forces from here with Ace, what's causing this... Could it be Whitebeard attacking the prison..." Sengoku didn't know what to say, but he knew the situation was urgent.

"We'll send a ship with vice-admirals to check the situation!" He ordered, knowing that the prison was a priority, aware of the criminals housed there.

He hung up the Den Den Mushi and called the communication room with the sailors still waiting. "Fleet Vice-Admiral!!" a new urgent voice emerged from the Den Den Mushi.

"Hm?" Sengoku, about to ask about Teach, frowned, sensing more problems arising.

"The Gate of Justice... it has been opened!!" Shouted the man.

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