Chapter 249 - News 03!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

New World, Second Half of Grandline.



As news spread across the four corners of the world, the New World was no exception. This sea was the territory where the worst pirates lived, and the news of a newcomer fighting against vice-admirals, without even arriving in these waters, was quite alarming to all the major forces and even independent pirates.

In Dressrosa, the chaos was even greater. After all, the pirates of the Donquixote group soon discovered the state of their captain, imprisoned in Marineford, lying in a bed in a coma, with even incurable injuries.

The family was gathered in the castle except for a few members, while they fiercely discussed with one another.

"How can they do this to Doflamingo?" questioned Pica, one of the family members angrily as his voice was thin.

"What are we going to do now? The Navy doesn't want to take him out of there, for some reason." Trebol spoke with snot coming out of his nose.

"We should keep calm. Everything will be alright, no matter what happens," Diamante spoke with firmness in his voice.

"Even so, how are we going to run the country without Joker? What if the rebels rebel?" Dellinger asked worriedly.

"Let's try to keep any chaos at bay. After all, most of the country is loyal to the King of Dressrosa. That hasn't changed. Let's just hope he gets well and we can take revenge on that group of pirates who did such a thing." Diamante spoke again, maintaining his calm.

"Do you really think we can fight against a group that did this to Doflamingo?" Senor Pink spoke.

"No matter what happens. We will take our revenge," Pica exclaimed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, in the coliseum, two women were meeting, while commenting on the events with each other.

"Is it true that Doflamingo is seriously injured and even at risk of dying while in a coma?" Rebecca, dressed as a gladiator, asked surprised to the newspaper as her gaze returned to her aunt.

"I don't have much information about it, besides what some family members commented while I was leaving. And there's nothing in the newspapers that proves his current state. However, he really suffered a defeat. First, he was captured and then humiliated in a way I never imagined could happen." Violet spoke looking at the newspapers searching for any other information.

"Are we finally going to get rid of him?" Rebecca asked with hope.

"I don't know, but he certainly never suffered so much in his life. A small satisfaction after everything he did to us. I'm so happy about this," Violet admitted, after all, she always wanted to end Joker, and seeing him being destroyed was one of the best things that happened in all 6 years.

She picked up the newspaper and saw the photo of the pirate responsible for this, wanting to meet him, after all, not everyone could fight against Doflamingo, but this man, this newcomer at sea, had gone against all common expectations.

Meanwhile, the underworld was in chaos. Without their boss, behind the command, the Donquixote family was still trying to maintain control over all places, trying to fulfill all the agreements of selling weapons, drugs, and human trafficking, having a lot of difficulty in keeping everything under control.

On another island, where there had not been any incident of two admirals fighting, Caesar Clown was doing some tests with his assistant trying to create Smiles.

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