Chapter 206 - Uta 02.

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[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]
Third Person POV

Elegia, South Blue.



"Luffy..." Uta seemed to move on her own and didn't know when she had started running towards Luffy at that moment.

Luffy let the emotional girl hug him as she jumped on him with quite a bit of force, hugging him back while his arms went around her back.

"Luffy!" She cried out while squeezing his neck.

"Uta..." Luffy calmly commented.

"I'm so happy to see you, to see you after all these years... are you really real?" Uta continued to exclaim, and Luffy thought about how she had been in a complicated situation over the last few years, and he didn't need to be an expert in observation Haki to see the darkness that surrounded her from blaming herself all this time.

"Me too, Uta. I'm really happy to see you again, after all this time." Luffy cracked a small smile.

They stayed embraced for a while, feeling each other's body heat. It was only after 10 minutes that Luffy picked her up by the waist and moved her back a bit while they looked into each other's eyes the whole time.

"Let's sit down, you have a beautiful place here, why not enjoy it a bit." Luffy invited, and Uta followed him to sit in front of the place.

"I still can't believe it's you... but you are real, that's what matters..." She said, sitting down next to him and leaning her shoulder against the old friend as if he would escape at any moment.

"Yes, I found this island after a few days of traveling." Luffy wasn't bothered at all by Uta invading his space.

"But how did you find me? How did you know you would find me here, no one has ever shown up..." She said with a sad tone.

"Look, Uta... I couldn't have come here before, and Shanks never talked about it, I only found out a few months ago, so I came here as soon as I could, I didn't want to leave you here alone anymore." He commented in a tone he usually didn't use, Luffy really cared for Uta and didn't want her to stay here.

"You don't want to leave me here alone?" She asked.

"Yes, I want to take you with me." Luffy got straight to the point.

"What?! No, you can't just come here and say something like that!" Uta looked at him surprised.

"Uta, let's talk about this later, okay? I just want to see how an old friend is doing..." Luffy wanted to first talk with her before discussing his plans.

Uta sighed and nodded. "Alright, tell me how your life has been, how is Lucy? I saw in the newspaper that she was a marine..." Uta asked curiously.

Luffy began to tell her about his life, how Shanks had given him the hat, and his subsequent years with Curly Dadan.

"What? You were raised by mountain bandits?" Uta laughed at that.

"Yes, you should have seen, we suffered when Lucy ate all the food, and we tried to make her spit it all out again." Luffy smiled.

"So, you ended up having other brothers..." She commented, placing her hands on her chin while looking at the lake.

"Yes, Ace and Sabo, they're still around, I met Ace recently and beat him up, I will meet Sabo soon..." Luffy commented.

"You're always so violent..." She commented, displeased.

"Didn't you see my bounty? I'm a pirate worth 750 million." Luffy laughed proudly.

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