Chapter 309 - War 03.

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[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marineford, First Half of Grandline.



While the war was unfolding, many eyes around the world were watching what was happening at that moment as the Navy wanted to display its victory over pirate groups while executing the biological son of the pirate king who died more than 20 years ago.

The tension was in the air in Sabaody Archipelago, where crowds continued to gather in front of public screens. They were shocked as the battle progressed, seeing the display of powers that each of those powers could perform, each attack, each movement of the powerful pirates and sailors was broadcast in real time, leaving the audience with wide eyes and swallowing dry.

In the center of the crowd, a group of reporters struggled to capture the public's reactions, their cameras and den den mushis working at full steam. "Incredible, did you see how Whitebeard controlled the sea with his Gura Gura no Mi? This is the power of a Yonkou, not this is the power of the strongest man in the world!!" a reporter exclaimed, seeing a scene with excited eyes, unlike many of his colleagues who looked on in fear.

"Did you hear the fleet admiral? He has the power to destroy the world, what kind of monster is this!?" One of the men also shouted in the crowd.

"May Nika protect us from this war!" A woman began to pray, seeing that chaos on the screens.

The reporters, in turn, took every pause between the fights to interview the spectators. "Do you think the World Government will be able to contain Whitebeard's advance?" one of them asked, directing his den den mushi to a man who seemed to be a former sailor, given his posture and scars.

"Whitebeard is a force of nature," the man began. "But don't underestimate the Navy. They are clearly prepared for something big, and this war... it's going to change a lot for all of us."

"Look!!! He created two Tsunamis!!! What monster is this!" Someone screamed, seeing Whitebeard finishing his tsunami.

Scenes of Whitebeard's powerful attacks were interspersed with images of the Navy admirals preparing for the counterattack, each movement analyzed and commented on by the reporters. "And here we see Admiral Aokiji, preparing for what may be one of the greatest demonstrations of power ever seen," a reporter reported, while the camera focused on the ice admiral, raising his hands, first freezing the Tsunade and the entire bay.

A young pirate, in the middle of the crowd, had her name unknown for having a bounty under 10 million, but still risked making her name in the new world. She shouted: "This is the true power of the great pirates!! Maybe we should go to Marineford too and make our name, I might even get a bounty to become a pirate of the worst generation!" She exclaimed excitedly among several pirate groups, some looked at her with a somber face upon hearing something like that.

"It's not that simple, girl. Did you see what happened to Little Oars Jr.? It was devastating," a more seasoned pirate commented. He was referring to the scene broadcast moments before, where the giant Oars Jr. had fallen in battle, which surprised everyone there by the brutality with which the Navy and the Shichibukais had eliminated him mercilessly.

Next to them, a family of traders watched with concern. The mother firmly held her young son's hand, trying to divert his eyes from the more violent scenes. "We should go home, this is no place for children," she murmured to her husband, who nodded in agreement, equally disturbed.

"Did you see the move of the greatest swordsman in the world!? Look at some scenes of him fighting against some pirates!" A swordsman among the pirate groups said in a very excited tone, wanting to reach that level when he went to the new world.

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