Chapter 238 - Enies Lobby 15!

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



Everything became more intense after Luffy's order to retreat. Seeing the Straw Hats about to pull back, the marines quickly began to grow more aggressive.

"Come on! We can't let the pirates escape!!"

"For justice!!"

"Let's defeat the evil of the seas!"

The marines quickly started to shout ecstatically as they ran towards the battlefields, even though they might not make much of a difference, they would use their own lives to make justice prevail.

They approached the battlefield where the fight against the vice admirals was happening and began shooting at the pirates, causing some of the Straw Hats to be bothered by some bullets and cannonballs flying towards them in the middle of the fight.

However, even with the pressure, and even the vice admirals increasing the pressure on them, the Straw Hats begin to turn the tide against the formidable Vice Admirals. Each confrontation made the navy officers see that the pirates were more determined than ever.

Yamato, with a new display of brute strength and haki skill, manages to break the formation of Bastille and Tsuru. With a thunderous roar, she summons the power of a serpent with lightning, her club emitting an ethereal light that stuns her opponents. Bastille, under the pressure of the attack, barely manages to keep his sword raised, while Tsuru is forced to retreat, surprised by Yamato's unexpected resistance. With a final blow, Yamato manages to hit them, even if not in a direct attack, making them fall to the ground like rockets exploding the place beneath them.

Zoro, wielding his swords with a lethal aura, begins a dance in the air between two swordsmen against his opponent and starts to emit more energy of Odin from his blades and overcomes Strawberry with a whirlwind of quick and powerful blows. A decisive moment occurs when Zoro delivers a "Odin: Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai," cutting through Strawberry's defense and leaving a visible mark on his chest as blood sprays into the air. Strawberry, unable to react much, falls to his knees, admitting his defeat before Zoro's explosive strength.

Kuina, with grace in her sword skill, pushes Momonga to the limit. She unleashes her ice power while the Vice Admiral had little chance of approaching, but she still can't win the fight, while trying to launch attacks with an oriental dragon, but still having difficulty, she felt Zoro winning his fight and felt a bit of frustration, but also understanding that her inferiority to the other swordsman was due to her years behind her rival, but still hoping that she could surpass him eventually and even being a girl of 11 or 12 years old, she could already fight a vice admiral.

Nojiko, using her ingenuity, creates traps with her bomb fruit on the ground, which confuse and delay Mozambia. This gives her an opening as she blows up the ground beneath her and fires at the enemy while he was focused trying to dodge the damage, barely noticing her approaching and striking from above, punching and exploding him. The admiral appears quite hurt, but still firm in his fight and determination to stop this pirate.

Vivi, facing the fierce Dalmatian, uses the agility of her logia with air cuts as he tried to approach avoiding the attacks, but couldn't get close, because Vivi could quickly create hurricanes and even as a barrier that could bounce back his reach, he tried to advance by hitting against her wind, but the girl dominated the air, leaving him in a worse position, but it didn't mean she could defeat him.

Alvida, with her slippery skin and tremendous strength, dodges all of Cancer's attacks with ease. She counterattacks with a powerful blow from her club, which Cancer barely manages to block. The force of the impact sends him flying back, proving Alvida's superiority in physical combat against the vice admiral.

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