Chapter 256 - Thriller Bark 03!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Thriller Bark, First Half of Grandline.



Thriller Bark was returning to normal after some mysterious explosions occurred, but once again, the explosive sound echoed through the air. It was now happening at the castle as it began to tremble and crack while dust rose from its base.

The sound was heard by everyone as destruction unfolded with everything there breaking. Perona, standing nearby, looked on with a shocked and frightened face as she trembled.

'Moria-Sama, was sent flying like a rocket by that guy...?' she was still trying to process what was happening with this man attacking him without warning.

Luffy usually wouldn't fight this way without warning, but he was there to defeat the man, so there was no reason for talk or waiting.

Meanwhile, the crew looked on in shock, their mouths and eyes wide open.

"That was super weird and unexpected," Frank commented.

Brooke, standing next to him, had his mouth open wider than usual.

"Well, did you expect anything different from our captain?" Hugo commented, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Luffy always acts unexpectedly..." Reiju remarked.

Several walls of the castle had broken, and on the ground at the end of them, Moria lay fallen, his face an expression of gritted teeth with blood running down his face, slowly rising with so much anger that his initial fear of Luffy had disappeared, wanting to kill this man who dared to attack him in his castle like this.

"Moria-Sama!" Perona shouted worriedly, and looked at Luffy cautiously.

Luffy turned his gaze, while she trembled with his eyes on her. "Sorry, little girl, but we're on the wrong side," Luffy said, and she saw that he was about to attack.

She then prepared her ghosts, despite the fear. Luffy would have let her fight Usopp initially, but he didn't want to hurt her. He simply appeared behind her without her noticing and tapped on her neck, making her faint and caught her before she fell.

He picked her up by the clothes and threw her to a slightly surprised Shirahoshi. "Take care of her, Shira," he said and turned his attention to his crew. "If anyone tries to attack, fight," He concluded and disappeared the next moment.

He moved at high speed advancing against Shichibukai who began to rise with so much anger that his shadows started to move beneath his feet. And before he could act, Luffy was already in front of him.

"You're slow," Luffy commented, as Moria barely had time to respond, feeling a kick from Luffy, flying even further, destroying another part of the castle.

As the walls exploded, Moria felt increasingly hurt. "This bastard," he muttered. "I won't forgive this way," he exclaimed, as his body on the ground transformed into bats and, quickly, several bats joined together and formed Moria again, standing, looking towards where Luffy was with anger.

Luffy looked at that a bit more satisfied, feeling at least that the man wouldn't just be beaten without a fight. Then his hand began to catch fire. "Let's see if you can take this," Luffy commented, as he leaned back with the flames growing on his arm, until he punched forward, launching a storm of flames. The explosion continued advancing in purple flames exploding on all the walls that were not affected by the wider reach going up to Moria, who looked stunned at it.

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