Chapter 282 - Sabaody Archipelago 18.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Sabaody Archipelago, First Half of Grandline.



Shakky was standing in front of an old building, listening to the distant explosions and feeling the tremors, when the sound of glass falling inside her establishment occurred; she was smoking, ignoring the explosions and looking towards the sound of a bottle being destroyed by the tremor.

"Damn... my 40-year-old whiskey... Someone is going to pay for this. I'll charge 300 million plus interest..." she said, exhaling smoke from her cigarette.

"Shakky!!!" She heard someone calling her from a distance, as Hachi was carrying Camie and Bonney alongside, running towards the woman in front of the building, which had the sign, Shakky's Rip-Off Bar.

"Hachi?!" She was surprised to see the fish-man showing up amidst all that chaos.

"Nee... we finally made it, we have to wait for Rayleigh and the others, they were fighting an ex-fleet admiral..." Hachi informed, quite worried.

"Ex-fleet admiral... Kong." She said with a nostalgic tone from her time at sea. "I heard he was here from the navy radio I decrypted and that your captain had fought against Kizaru and defeated him, which scared the marines; now he's directly battling Kong himself." She stated.

"What? Mugiwara defeated Kizaru?" Bonney couldn't be more surprised while Camie was confused and Hachi sighed in relief.

"Anyway, let's go inside; their fight will take a few hours to resolve." Shakky spoke, wanting to return to her bar and protect her bottles before they all got destroyed.

"But what about the others?" Hachi asked, worried about his companions.

"They're already on their way..." Shakky said as the group approached with Geppo, and Rayleigh, being the only one who couldn't use the technique, came running along with them.

Everyone landed in front of them a moment later. "Finally, we arrived..." Nami commented, relieved.

"But what about Luffy?!" Vivi exclaimed as the fight continued with explosions and tremors in the distance.

"The demon will continue fighting the monkey... I hope he wins, otherwise he won't be worthy of making me a god as soon as I defeat him." Enel complained.

"Woollf" Chouchou barked at that.

"Shut up mutt, I'll make you pay later for peeing on me, a man who will become a god!" Enel grumbled.

"A god!!" Camie grimaced as everyone else looked at Enel as if he were an arrogant fool.

"This group is really strange anyway, it's been a few days since I last saw him, Rayleigh..." Shakky commented, taking another drag while Rayleigh scratched his head.

"That's true, I was betting there and I owe some money..." He said in an apologetic tone.

"Let's talk more later, come in now. I need to make sure my bottles don't break." She spoke and everyone followed having no other choices.

"I'll leave this admiral here on the street." Hugo said as he carried Kizaru on his shoulder.

"Guys!" At that moment, new figures began to emerge from both sides.

Chopper, Usopp, Bepo, and Uta appeared on one side and Kuina, Nojiko, and Robin came from the other, landing at the entrance of the bar in front of the others.

"You finally arrived..." Yamato commented.

"What's happening... the whole place is trembling..." Kuina complained.

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