Chapter 257 - Thriller Bark 04!

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Thriller Bark, First Half of Grandline.



Moria was in a tough spot. As he saw Luffy approaching at high speed in the air, he clenched his teeth and tried to attack. However, it was far too uneven a fight. Luffy was quicker, moving his fist towards Moria's face; this time Moria managed to escape at the last moment as he transformed into a bat. He looked to the side and saw several little bats trying to escape.

Luffy saw him trying to escape and would not let it go; he quickly aimed his gun and began to fire.





His shots exploded in the air, creating fireballs and burning the bats. As Moria felt the heat and pain of being burned, he growled. "Damn, what can I do?" He only had one chance to fight Luffy. However, the pirate didn't even give him time to gather strength with his shadows.

As the sky burst and lit up with Luffy's flames amidst all the fog, in the castle, Ryuma—currently with Brook's shadow—looked seriously at Kuina. "Who are you?" he asked the woman challenging him, sensing that this woman was no ordinary person.

"Shimotsuki Kuina," Kuina replied calmly.

Leaving the zombie a bit surprised, he asked curiously, "Are you from my family, then?"

"Yes, it's true, you are my ancestor, very famous, since the famous Shimotsuki name comes from you even after so many centuries," she said as she readied her sword.

He felt her desire to fight and was satisfied. "Very well, I'll see if you truly are worthy of the Shimotsuki name." He said, and his sword, the famous Shusui, began to glow with his energy, and the next moment both of them flew towards each other, kicking the ground and their swords collided while the crew watched the fight with interest.

The impact generated a blue and a chilling energy as Kuina began to unleash her power. However, Ryuma, expecting a fierce fight with his descendant, was surprised to find himself starting to lose as the girl began to press him.

"Maybe with this body... You are just a shadow of your past..." she murmured. Now stronger than Zoro in this part of the original after the training in Skypiea, she began to release a chilling energy, freezing everything in a straight line.

"Hm?!" Ryuma had to back off as his arm froze.

Ryuma didn't even have time to react when she reappeared in front of him, kicking him hard, breaking his arm—an event similar to what happened to Don Flamingo as he flew, exploding the ground with his own body raising the ground and dust.

"Well, she won pretty quickly," Zoro commented, even sounding a bit downhearted. "I thought it would be a challenge, but in the end, he was just a weak shell..."

"Apart from Kuina's fight..." Alvida spoke up at that moment, "What are we going to do with these zombies?" She asked.

Uta sighed, listening and gaining a bit of courage. "Leave it to me, Luffy asked me to handle something. I don't know why he wants this, but okay, let's try."

"Brook, get your bass," she said, tossing the instrument for him to play.

"Alright..." Brook was surprised with Kuina defeating easily, the host of his shadow when he took the bass, but he couldn't help thinking that he shouldn't be surprised, this crew is full of monsters. He took the instrument and prepared to play at that moment.

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