Chapter 245 - Talking with Gorōsei 02!

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Mary Geoise, First Half of Grandline.



"Do you know who you are talking to, kid?" Jaygarcia Saturn said with some frustration.

"I already told you, don't be so mad, it's just a conversation, I mean maybe some interesting things can happen here, but let's just talk a bit." Luffy spoke calmly.

The elders exchanged glances upon hearing this, unsure what the pirate meant by those words.

"What do you mean by interesting things can happen...?" Marcus Mars asked.

"You'll know if our conversation gets to that point." Luffy said in a mysterious tone.

"Anyway, let's have a chat..." Luffy commented. "I bet you were discussing how you'll be destroying us after what happened at Enies Lobby, right?" Luffy said.

"You're not wrong." Topman Warcury admitted, "You've become a worse threat than we thought... besides, you killed 2 Celestial Dragons." When he spoke those words, the room turned somber.

"..." Luffy's den den mushi was silent for a while, until, to the listeners' surprise, he began to laugh. "Hahahahahaha!" He laughed for a few seconds before stopping and looking at everyone with a smug smile. "Yes, that's true." Luffy had no reason to hide it. "I encountered a pig approaching me in the West Blue and a weird guy approached me in the middle of the sky, saying he wanted to kill me. I don't regret either." Luffy said.

"That kid..." Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro said with frustration, despite knowing it was Luffy who killed the Celestial Dragons.

"You've admitted your unforgivable crime, I admit you have courage for that." Shepherd Ju Peter spoke with an eyebrow raised.

"Even more so in front of us, I don't remember anyone talking to us this way." Jaygarcia Saturn murmured thoughtfully.

"Rocks once called us decades ago and he was as arrogant as this kid, it's no wonder we authorized the Navy to work with Gol D. Roger at the time to deal with the threat without needing to resort to the Holy Knights or acting ourselves." Topman Warcury recalled.

"So you're above the Holy Knights... I wonder then how strong you are..." Luffy commented on the den den mushi curiously.

"Marcus Mars take it from me, kid, if we have to act, you'll be killed so fast you won't be able to react, we are far above the forces beneath us." Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro said with arrogance and wisdom at the same time.

"Maybe I'll have the pleasure of meeting you one day then..." Luffy let that thought run through his mind out loud, after all, he wanted to face the 5 elders, who are above the level of admiral.

"This kid is really arrogant." Shepherd Ju Peter complained seeing that Luffy didn't seem to take them seriously.

"Anyway, this arrogance won't last long..." Said Jaygarcia Saturn with a serious tone.

"That's true, you've already caused us great trouble, Monkey D. Luffy, it's time for you to feel the threat of the World Government, killing Celestial Dragons, capturing Doflamingo, and destroying Enies Lobby, if we can't hit you now, we'll go for your origins as well as those of your crewmates." Topman Warcury said, it was no secret they would attack another side to seek hostages if it meant ending this threat.

"Well, that's pretty predictable coming from you..." Luffy said then in a very calm tone, surprising the elders with it.

"You talk as if you could escape the wrath of the World Government..." Noticed Shepherd Ju Peter

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