Chapter 311 - War 05.

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[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marineford, First Half of Grandline.



The war immediately stopped at that moment. No one could even hear a sound at that moment, whether pirates, sailors, or Shichibukais; everyone was looking horrified at that ship.

"...." Ace, on the platform, kept his mouth open, trembling, as out of everything he could have imagined in the war, this never crossed his mind, even wondering if it really was Luffy there.

Sound of metal A sword fell to the ground in the middle of the ground, while a sailor, who until a moment ago was fighting against the pirates, looked around, trembling, waiting for any of his superiors to tell him what to do in such a situation.

A pirate who was pointing his gun at another sailor lowered it at that moment, while his eyes and mouth were wide open, he also could not imagine having such a vision in his life.

Even Hancock, who had hearts in her eyes, was shocked and silent. Moria was as surprised as any sailor, and even beings with personalities as peculiar as Doflamingo and Mihawk looked at it in disbelief.

The admirals were shocked and paralyzed. Marco, Vista, Jozu, and all the division captains had their eyes wide open while their pupils dilated, equally surprised.

Even the most powerful man in the world seemed shocked by what he was seeing, when someone had attacked this group of people that even he himself did not dare to face without a good reason.

For Whitebeard, it had been a long time since he had seen a scene like this, from his time, when he was a crew member of a certain ship, since his Captain, Rocks, also had no fear of these beings and did exactly what he was seeing or worse when he felt like it.

Returning to the execution platform, Garp was more astonished than ever, while his eyes opened and snot came out of his nose, covering half of his open mouth.

"How could this happen?" Sengoku murmured amid the silence now found in Marineford, the only sound at that moment being that of the black ship approaching the middle of the bay.

Not only in Marineford, it seemed like the war had ended, but people from all parts of the world, even moments before being shocked by this scene, were screaming bewildered as soon as Luffy made his first move.

For them, it all seemed quite electrifying watching the war and seeing that explosion emerge from the tsunami on one side of the bay, it caught everyone's attention, while the energy continued cutting the ice, heading towards the middle of the bay.

"It's the Straw Hats!" shouted a reporter shocked to his soul, while several others murmured and exclaimed.

"He's in the war, what is he doing there? Does he want more fame or does he think he can already?"

"He's probably going to challenge Whitebeard for the title of the strongest in the world.

"Impossible, he's just a rookie."

"With more of his bounty being astronomical and compared to others, he can't be so foolish as to face the strongest in the world!"

"You know he's quite crazy and might even fight against admirals and hit Tenryuubitos!"

"But what is he still doing there?!"

People immediately began to exclaim without understanding the motive for why Luffy was appearing there.

"What is happening there!"

"Look, he brought his entire crew!!" Someone pointed to the screen while Black Pearl appeared before seeing the main mast, while all the crew members appeared and kept a sharp look, despite some being somewhat fearful.

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