Chapter 250 - News 04!

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

New World, Second Half of Grandline.



As Kaido prepared to face Whitebeard, on the other side of the same sea, there was a giant woman devouring her sweets, and as she waited eagerly, a subordinate began reading the newspaper.

"Come on, read. I'm already losing my patience," said Big Mom, dissatisfied, as the man trembled in fear. He picked up the newspaper, shaking, and began to read in front of the entire Charlotte family, gathered around the place.

As he read the news, the family had a varied reaction: some frowned, while others maintained a neutral look; some were restless with what they heard. Since this pirate group was in their sights as soon as they arrived in the New World, and they would have to engage in a battle between them.

Big Mom frowned as soon as the subordinate looked up and was cautiously looking at her. "Are you saying that kid is on this level? What will they think of us, emperors, when a rookie is facing admirals, while we are just taking care of territories?" Big Mom growled, as the man trembled and, before he could react, Big Mom unleashed her anger on the man, devouring his soul without him being able to react. The man fell dead to the ground while no one reacted to this, being a common situation among the family, even her children were not immune to her wrath when she got angry, killing many of them over the years.

"Damn that Kaido, that bastard, he's already given his daughter to this rookie. However, we can still take something for ourselves. In fact, there's someone on that Germa ship that I have been in contact with and intend to have that person," she spoke with a bit of anger.

The atmosphere remained as she returned to eating her sweets to quell her bad mood and her ensuring that she did not go mad.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, on a ship in the middle of the sea, Marco picked up the newspaper that day from a carrier seagull, and as soon as he saw the news, he was entirely shocked by it, staying planted in place while other members of the boat noticed his strange behavior.

"Marco, why are you like this? What's in the newspaper?" the commander of the fifth division, the Floral Swordsman Vista, asked, curious, seeing the reaction of the first division commander.

Marco noticed the commander of the third division, Diamond Jozu, of the sixth division, Blamenco, and of the eighth division, Namur, also approaching, curious to know what was in the newspaper that day, there could be some news of Ace.

Meanwhile, Whitebeard was sitting in his chair in the middle of the deck, looking patiently at the sea, feeling that something bad was happening in his intuition, and his heart seemed to weigh with that feeling, but still unable to guess what it meant, just with a bad feeling and a bitter taste in his mouth.

He looked at Marco with the newspaper, waiting to see if he could find out if the feeling was coming from that newspaper. "Marco, what is it?" He asked calmly.

Marco seemed to come out of his daze looking around and seeing his companions waiting for him to announce what was in the newspaper, but he approached the middle of the ship, ignoring all the other commanders, he took the newspaper going straight to Whitebeard, "father," Marco started, with a voice that did not know how he would continue his sentence. "The news is shocking, something big happened in paradise." he murmured.

"What is it, Marco?" Whitebeard spoke curiously.

"It's about Ace's brother, and he has outdone himself this time. Look for yourself," Marco said, placing the newspaper in front of him and showing it to Whitebeard, who was looking in the distance, making him open his eyes at that.

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