Chapter 231 - Enies Lobby 08!

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[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]
Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



The battlefield remained filled with the explosive sounds of dozens of fights happening simultaneously across the island, and Luffy kept an arrogant gaze upwards towards Akainu.

"Straw Hat..." Akainu growled at Luffy, seeing that maintained smile, which he responded to with a look of anger while his lava bubbled and he clenched his teeth.

This lasted until finally, both kicked the ground towards each other, moving at high speed. However, Luffy was now unleashing even more of his powers, beyond the Zoan form phase 2. He increased his speed, and his fist surprised Akainu by being faster than before. As he tried to dodge, the pirate hit him, sending him flying across the field of lava in the opposite direction through the air, at least hundreds of meters away.

The admiral began to stabilize in the air with geppo and already looked at Luffy with anger, but there was no longer any sign of the pirate, leaving Akainu confused. In the next moment, Luffy appeared above him using his maximum speed. Akainu went on alert and crossed his arms to defend against the possible attack. Even so, Luffy punched him without hesitation, and a giant explosion occurred in that area, pressing the admiral against the ground and causing everything to explode, even the marines around were surprised as the ground trembled with an explosion of debris and purple flames coming from one corner of the battle.


The ground shook as it cracked on all sides, creating fissures, while debris flew through the air. A moment later, as Luffy stood in the midst of that chaos and everything turned red making the earth transform into pure lava, Luffy looked around and an explosion from the ground came from in front of him, while Akainu appeared trying to punch him. Luffy placed his hand on top of the large lava fist but ended up being thrown back, slightly surprised by the attack.

He took the opportunity to stabilize in the air as he jumped and increased his height. Akainu finally emerged from that place, completely unscathed. He said nothing while just looking up from the ground. Luffy then raised his hands and created a large sphere of flames while the ball looked like a purple sun. His flames could not affect the admiral, but his intention was to distract him. As soon as he finished charging his solar sphere, he launched the attack directly into the ground while Akainu watched without worry.

"Let's see how this catches attention..." Luffy murmured, increasing the mass of the explosion by 50 times. The attack went directly through the ground like a missile, blinking and reappearing at high speed, and as soon as it reached, a gigantic explosion shook the island again, much more than anything until now. Even the fights between the vice admirals and the Straw Hat pirates were interrupted at this moment with the force of the impact.

Luffy was caught by the explosion of his flames and disappeared from the place, this was not to affect Akainu, who knew he was fighting against a Logia. As things began to stabilize, the lava started to gather and form the admiral. Luffy took this time to approach without Akainu being able to react. And when Akainu materialized completely, he quickly frowned surprised to see Luffy right in front of him as he punched him with a Haki fist. Akainu felt the hit, making him spit out a bit of blood, flying backwards and digging the ground.

"Damned pirate," Akainu let out as he felt the pain of the impact.

Luffy did not stop there; he followed the path to not let the admiral escape. However, as he approached, he felt the entire field transform into lava, and before he could react, everything exploded like a volcano. He was caught by the attack, and ended up giving up on his charge trying to escape from the place, returning to the sky while his body emitted smoke, from the lava bath he took. Despite still being quite resistant, Luffy could feel it a bit.

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