Chapter 205 - Uta 01.

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I fixed last chapter!

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Attention: I am doing Luffy going to Elegia, but there is nothing that proves his actual location, so I will say it is in the South Blue, close to the red wall in the center of the world.

After becoming a married man, Luffy wasted no time and flew towards the South Blue. There was someone specific he needed to meet before rejoining his crew. He sliced through the sky, maneuvering among the clouds with agility at a speed increased by seventy times.

Enemies following the Vivre Cards of Doflamingo and Page-on found themselves forced to change course repeatedly, trying to guess where Luffy was heading to confuse their pursuers, not that he thought anyone too powerful for him to handle would come after him at this time. He still kept them in his pocket, to negotiate their freedom in the future, earning some money from the world government.

His journey continued over the vast sea, passing through various islands after crossing the Calm Belt and finally entering the southern sea, where the climate was much calmer than the Grand Line.

He followed the eternal pose to Elegia and headed in that direction for the next few days without rest as he approached the place, finally seeing it one day as a small point on the horizon.

This country is known worldwide as the capital of music, but something terrible happened a few years ago, announced as Shanks, the redhead, being the main cause of this disaster when he visited the island. Time passed, and in Elegia, after the island had gone through this disaster, it had risen again, the city of music had started to sing joyfully again after more than a decade in construction, the city was bustling with commerce again. Besides the basics like food, the trade in musical instruments was quite large here.

Luffy arrived on the island and landed out of sight of everyone before entering the city. He put on a cloak to cover his face so as not to be identified. It wasn't his style to hide, but he just wanted to stroll around peacefully before finding the person he wanted here since he would be easily recognized and could cause the entire kingdom to panic with a pirate of 750 million berries walking through the streets.

Entering the crowd of people on the main street, he walked calmly. "Shanks was here a long time ago... It's a link to the kingdom..." Luffy had to admit as he looked around, there were giant, shining crystals while a huge stage was under construction, people were singing and playing instruments all over the place, turning this place into a true country of music.

"Come see, come hear! Guitars with strings that capture the essence of the wind, flutes that whisper the stories of the seas! Each note a journey, each melody an adventure!" A seller announced as Luffy passed by.

Another exclaimed nearby, selling local food. "Sweet melodies for your ears and sweet flavors for your soul! Try the melody cake, a recipe passed down for generations, as sweet as the songs of Elegia!"

With a guitar in hand and a voice echoing through the streets, an artist sang: "Oh, Elegia, land of music and magic, your beauty reborn, stronger with each day!" The crowd around stopped to listen, some shiny coins being thrown in his direction in appreciation.

A man tried to approach Luffy at that moment, showing off a green crystal. "Elegia crystals, straight from our mines! Not just beautiful, but capable of amplifying the beauty of your music. A touch of magic for every musician's home!" But Luffy just ignored him and kept walking.

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