Chapter 308 - War 02.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marineford, First Half of Grandline.



Mihawk walked calmly forward, while grabbing his sword and with a quick movement, he launched it in front of him, with a green energy quickly exploding from it, as it advanced at high speed.

"He's attacking Whitebeard!" The marines exclaimed, seeing the energy quickly heading towards the ship in the center of the place, with Newgate still looking at it calmly.

The energy continued rushing forward, digging into the ground towards Newgate, breaking the ice floor and making any pirate in the path of the attack fly backward, some unable to react while others moved out of the way to avoid being hit.

"DAD!!!" The pirates shouted, seeing that slash advancing towards the Moby Dick.

However, someone intervened between the energy of the world's strongest swordsman and the world's strongest man, appearing quickly and taking all of Mihawk's damage.

He immediately took the attack and broke the ground while standing there, enduring it, trying to deflect it, while everyone watched. The man in the middle of the slash still stood firm for a few seconds until he shouted and immediately threw the green energy upwards, making it disappear into the air.

"That is..." The marines immediately recognized the man as one of Whitebeard's division commanders. A silence took over the place for a moment, while everyone watched in awe as this man stopped Mihawk's slash.

Mihawk looked at him for a while as Whitebeard nodded, seeing his son there half-transformed into diamond.

"It's the third division commander, Jozu, the diamond!!" The enemies immediately exclaimed.

After that, the war continued as swords clashed and cannon shots continued, "Don't let them get close, finish off all the pirates!" Sengoku exclaimed on the Den Den Mushi.

"This war is going to be very bloody..." Kizaru suddenly said while starting to get up from his chair that was aligned with two others. Akainu was still sitting, while Kuzan was fighting on the front lines.

Kizaru kept walking forward, leaving his chair, while keeping his gaze on Whitebeard, who was watching the battle below him, "Why not end this by defeating the head behind this war..." He commented and suddenly glowed, disappearing from the place.

On the battlefield near the main ship where Newgate was, a glow appeared as Kizaru appeared and crossed his arms, before launching his attack towards Whitebeard, launching a direct attack.

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes at this. "Hey hey, that's very bright, man..." He complained while all the attacks still advanced against him.

Suddenly, a shadow emerged again against the attack coming for Whitebeard, while his wings burned in blue and yellow fire, beating against the attack, preventing it from advancing as blue flames emerged on impact, stopping the light.

The attack finally stopped as Marco, the first division commander, flew in the air while constantly healing with his flames.

"So you appeared... as expected from a fruit even rarer than Logia... a mythical Zoan..." Kizaru commented lazily while looking intently at Marco.

"He is Marco, the phoenix!!!" The marines shouted, seeing Marco transform into a complete phoenix while advancing against the admiral in the air.

Even with Kizaru attacking him again, Marco approached and delivered a kick as he got close, with Kizaru flying backward and exploding on the ground while everyone watched in shock.

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