Chapter 202 - Shiki 02.

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy let the power of the Devil Fruit in Ace flow, yellow thunders began to surround it with red color, it was a special fruit that Luffy found for 2 billion in the store and found it quite interesting to fuse it with the sword, his main reason for going to Jaya was to find Teach, seeing Doflamingo and Jack was a bit surprising, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the situation.

He looked at Shiki quite shocked, looking at the sword strangely. "You have this sword... Do you think you are worthy to wield it, Rookie!" Shiki exclaimed angrily as he released a bit of weakened Conqueror's Haki, due to his current condition.

"Stop crying over your boyfriend, let's continue the fight, you might even get the sword if you kill me." Luffy smiled as the thunders intensified around the metal.

Then Luffy saw Shiki making his first move, heading towards him, he lifted his foot and attacked Luffy with his sword instead of the limb.

*Metal Sound.*

Luffy just lifted Ace. "Let's see how I am as a swordsman these days..." He murmured and counter-attacked, Shiki did not fall behind.

Even weakened, Shiki was fast, Luffy and Shiki began to repel each other in the sky, large rocks and islands rushed at Luffy at that moment, but he began to cut the large stones and dodge the islands with his super-speed.

The battle was a show between two swordsmen, but at one point Luffy decided to use the power of the sword, an island was coming towards him and he moved away from Shiki to concentrate the power of the Paramecia in Ace, the sword began to emit a huge thunder coming from it and spreading to all sides.

Luffy leaned the sword back and launched it forward releasing its power.

"What is this?" Shikii was scared for a moment, feeling quite a danger coming from it and got out of the way.

The explosion flew like a lightning bolt to the island, it was as fast as lightning, when it reached the island, a spectacle of destruction happened, with a flash covering the entire sky, a scarlet electrical explosion exploded from the island, which grew devastating all the land it touched while the inhabitants and animals on that island tried to escape the attack, but it was too late.


The explosion then covered the entire island, affecting everything around. Shiki was thrown through the sky while stabilizing himself, when he stopped, he looked at the immense clouds of dust with red lightning appearing around.

"What is this?!" the people around the island were shocked trying to protect themselves from the gigantic explosion happening at that moment.

They became even more alarmed when they saw just debris in the air of what would be a huge island until a while ago.

"He... destroyed the entire island?" Shiki could not be more shocked.

His gaze returned to where Luffy should be, but he was no longer there and feeling his presence, he was even more shocked that Luffy was next to him.

"It was a good fight Shiki, but I am stronger than you, but thank you for giving me an opportunity to use this power on your islands instead of an island in the lower sea, it would be quite problematic." Luffy commented casually and advanced against Shiki.

He tried to defend himself while Luffy continued moving his sword quickly. But Shiki began to retreat as Luffy was gaining the upper hand.

*Cut* In a moment, Luffy hit Shiki from the shoulder to his waist with a diagonal cut.

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