Chapter 226 - Enies Lobby 03!

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I'm changing Kuina's sword, it better be Hyōrinmaru.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



The heat of the lava and the purple flames collided against each other, exploding everything around as soon as the collision happened, the earth was lifted, and a vortex of wind spread to all sides. All the vice-admirals felt the impact as their capes flew against the wind, but they were already prepared to fight, while the Straw Hats also did not lag behind, getting ready for the next clash.

However, neither of the two groups moved, just looking at the clash between Luffy and Akainu, both disputing with each other while their powers illuminated the whole island. The collision made the whole place tremble while all the more distant sailors felt the pressure and the heat of their fruits.

"They started to fight!" A sailor shouted.

"What's going to happen?" Another spoke with a tone of fear.

"Luffy..." Lucy commented, protecting herself from the wind and looking at the force of the impact from a distance, the battle continues between the two until it generated an explosion, with a tie of the two flames, creating a huge smoke while the ground cracked, however, those who were within the explosion remained in the same place still.

The explosion echoed throughout the island until the smoke began to disappear and Luffy appeared at that moment in front of his companions, looking with interest, Akainu also appeared without any mark of damage, he looked at Luffy with some glint of surprise.

"You resisted my lava?" He murmured as he clenched his fist in anger, "My heat should have burned you." He said.

"I have the flames of Ifrit, the flames of chaos. It's not the heat of lava that will manage to burn me," Luffy taunted.

Akainu gritted his teeth and looked at the pirate. "So be it. I will kill you anyway," he said. And, without turning his face, he issued the order to everyone on the island: "Attention marines! Attack the Straw Hat pirates and eliminate them!" He gave the order and all the sailors around, began to make their move, even with some scared, there was still justice for them to do.

"Well, it looks like we're going to have a fight," Zoro commented, unconcerned, with thousands of marines running towards them with weapons and swords. He touched his sheath, and his look was on the row of marines behind Akainu, after all, the thousands of soldiers around him were nothing compared to those 11 behind the admiral.

"Wow, there are many of them," Yamato laughed as he looked around the movements.

"I think we should first worry about the vice-admirals, after all, all of them are looking at us," Kuina commented as she began to draw her sword, Hyōrinmaru.

"It looks like we're going to clash..." Vice-Admiral Tsuru commented with her aged voice.

"It doesn't matter, we have to eliminate them anyway." Doberman, another vice-admiral spoke as he drew his wife.

"You don't mind if I act first, right? I want to see what this group is made of." A vice-admiral named Dalmatian, who fought with his fists and dressed up as a Dalmatian dog said, he didn't wait for an answer from his colleagues and kicked the ground

The next moment, he disappeared, passing over Akainu and Luffy using Soru, they didn't even care about it as they continued to stare at each other, Dalmatian appeared above the pirates, making the first move while preparing his fists to attack them.

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