Chapter 310 - War 04. (The Straw Hats finally make their entrance.)

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[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marineford, First Half of Grandline.



Whitebeard was still looking at Oars' body on the ground when his gaze shifted to the side of the battlefield as soon as he noticed something. Sengoku, holding the den den mushi in his hand, took his eyes off the battlefield while analyzing the war. He felt something and turned to the same side his enemy was looking at.

"Hm?!" Garp looked to the side at the same time as Sengoku and Whitebeard while narrowing his eyes.

"!" Ace, bound beside them, saw his pops looking to the side, while his gaze returned to Sengoku and Garp on either side before shifting back to the frozen tsunami, wondering what they were looking at at that moment.

"That!" Both Kong and his current team, who were hidden from everyone's eyes in Marineford, felt that something was also going to happen.

Meanwhile on the battlefield, Marco once again confronted Kizaru, as they fought at high speed, with the admiral trying to attack the commander of the first division. But he was quick to heal every time he was attacked. It was a stalemate, with no winner. However, both stopped and looked to that side, surprised.

"What is that...? How frightening..." Kizaru commented.

Kuzan was also fighting Jozu at that moment, transforming half of his body into diamond, trying to punch him with Haki. Until he stopped advancing and looked to the side. The same could be said of the admiral who looked with a tone not as lazy as usual.

But the same could be said of Boa Hancock, Mihawk, and Donquixote Doflamingo who quickly looked while Moria, the least proficient in Haki there, hadn't noticed anything and continued killing the pirates. Meanwhile, Kuma, being a Cyborg, also appeared neutral.

Admiral Akainu, who was going to meet and talk with someone who could draw Whitebeard among the 43 pirates of the fleet, stopped at that moment when he sensed something too.

All the vice admirals who were fighting against the pirate fleet stopped attacking when they looked at the huge ice block, noticing something, and the same could be said of the captains, who had their eyes in that direction, forgetting the fight against the vice admirals.

"What is this now... this feeling is unsettling..." Tsuru murmured softly.

This feeling was not limited to the major forces; the battlefield itself suddenly changed at that exact moment as even the lower-ranking soldiers, both pirates and marines, noticed something because the place became completely silent at that moment, as if the atmosphere had changed, causing even them to stop shooting and advancing against each other, wondering what was happening, looking confused.

"Why do I feel so strange?" said the sailor while he didn't even feel like continuing to shoot at the other line of enemies.

"Hey, Coby, what's happening here?" Helmeppo murmured scared as he saw the battlefield fall silent next to Coby, who was also looking at it quite bewildered, not knowing what was happening.

"Why do I feel like something big is going to happen here...?" The pirates murmured throughout the battlefield.

Even the people behind the screens noticed the change. "Hey, what's going on there?"

"Why does everything seem different?"

"Why isn't anyone attacking aggressively anymore?"

"Is something happening?"

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