Chapter 237 - Enies Lobby 14!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



As the dust still settled from the previous collision, Luffy planted his feet firmly on the ground, the fight now was truly harder than anything he had faced up to this point. The admirals had faces mixed between one being bored and the other looking at him fiercely, signaling each of their unique characteristics.

"Two of the greatest powers of the navy... I should feel proud that such force has come to stop me, when I'm just a rookie who hasn't even entered the New World yet..." Luffy let this thought arise in his mind as he faced his opponents.

"He's staring at us so determined... How scary..." Kizaru commented.

"Tsk." Akainu just growled.

In the distance, his companions continued to fight their own battles, also feeling that Luffy was under even greater pressure than before. Without waiting any longer, the first step in the fight between them was taken by Akainu, driven by a distorted sense of justice, he attacked, launching a torrent of magma towards Luffy, who prepared to dodge. Beside him, Kizaru, taking advantage of the moment, attacked with beams of light, seeking to incapacitate Luffy and leave him vulnerable.

Luffy, however, was not willing to give in. With his intensive training in the last few months, he wouldn't fall so easily; he had developed new techniques that went beyond his opponents' imagination. He avoided the magma and light beams with surprising speed. He moved to the side after escaping the attacks and launched a counterattack, propelling himself into the air and concentrating all his energy for an attack.

With a shout, "Ifrit: Fire Chaos Punch!," Luffy unleashed a series of punches enveloped in flames and Haki, each blow charged with the heat of his flames sending several attacks towards the admirals.





Explosions began to burst on that side, lifting the entire area as the flames expanded, not that it could affect the marines, but Luffy needed to create some opening, and it didn't take long for the admirals to emerge, the first was Kizaru with his sword parrying with Ace, with Luffy using all his speed to keep up with the admiral.

Akainu appeared in front of him again trying to punch Luffy as before, 'Not this time.' Luffy thought and took out his pistol with his other free hand and aimed at the approaching admiral.

"Hm?!" Sensing danger, Akainu quickly moved away as the bullet grazed by his clothes, making a cut in his right arm. "Seastone bullet?!" He murmured looking at Luffy's pistol.

Luffy was prepared to face logia adversaries and this was not limited to his Haki, he had acquired a pistol even more superior to the one he used to use, besides the weapon with a bullet against akuma no mi users, he could exceed the power of the weapon while he put his chaos flames, increasing the power and speed of the shot.

"Uuuuuu..." Kizaru made a surprised sound while trying to overcome Luffy in strength, but Luffy was stronger, naturally compared to the admiral who had his focus on speed, Luffy looked at him and pointed the gun at him, and before Luffy could shoot, Kizaru disappeared. Luffy just smiled a little at that, without even shooting, but satisfied that the admirals couldn't deal with him so easily.

"Let's start this fight for real!" Luffy announced, holding his pistol in one hand and sword in the other, wings began to sprout behind him, forming his complete transformation into phase 2.

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