Chapter 242 - Aftermath 03!

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marinefort, First Half of Grandline.



After all the communication he had in the last few hours, the Fleet Admiral continues to walk through the corridors of Marinefort with his men. ~

"Have you done everything I asked?" He asked the officers following him.

"Yes, Fleet Admiral!" They confirmed.

Sengoku nodded and continued walking through the corridors until he reached the meeting room with the high command, all those present from the Battle of Enies Lobby were already waiting behind those doors, coming straight to the meeting as soon as they arrived in Marineford.

As soon as the doors opened and Sengoku entered, he already felt a very tense atmosphere as several of the chairs were filled with vice admirals, the people who came from Enies Lobby hadn't even changed from the battle, with torn clothes and showing injuries all over their bodies. Akainu's skin still had blood marked after the beating he took during the fight alone against an enraged Luffy. It was evident that the atmosphere was not good for them.

Sengoku breathed and went to the front of the place, where there was a podium for him to start the meeting, looking at each one for a moment. He then began the conversation:

"Well, to start, we could not have imagined the strength of that pirate group beyond their captain. So, don't be so discouraged. Especially since the information we had was incomplete and we should have moved much more forces, and even forming a coalition with the world government. However, this was not a mission of failure only. After all, we got vital information, information we will use to stop them next time," Sengoku spoke trying to improve the mood.

"Tsk." Akainu growled softly, not satisfied with the failure.

"..." Kizaru remained silent, seemingly not caring about anything there.

Sengoku turned to one of the officers who had asked for something, "Now, I want to see all the images of all of them with the powers they showed in the fight," Sengoku spoke and one of the officers quickly grabbed a den den mushi to put on the screen.

This officer, under the order of the fleet admiral, had prepared and edited the footage of the fight, to collect information and with everything they got from each of the pirates to show the images at this meeting.

The den den mushi began to glow and a screen began to open and appear on the screen, along with one of the people from the Straw Hat crew, this was none other than Vivi, the princess of Alabasta.

"Well, as you know, this is the princess of Alabasta, who was taken by the pirates as soon as they took down Crocodile and delivered him. The girl not only strengthened in a few months, even becoming as strong as a Commodore or more, but also received a Logia of the wind, one that had not appeared for 100 years in your records, making her even more powerful." Sengoku spoke as the screen began to change from the image of Vivi to her fighting against Vice Admiral Dalmatian, while her body transformed into air and she could create a giant hurricane in the middle of the battlefield.

"It's frustrating to know that they possess a Logia," said Vice Admiral Dalmatian who fought against Vivi, but had difficulty dealing with her due to her power that could repel anything in the air.

"Don't forget that there is also that Enel, who for some reason did not participate in the fight..." Tsuru commented, after all, there were 2 Logia users in that group. Tsuru hadn't finished and continued.

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