Chapter 259 - Thriller Bark 06!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Thriller Bark, First Half of Grandline.



Moria stared at Luffy, now transformed, and clenched his teeth as he prepared to launch an attack. He charged forward and readied to punch while his feet destroyed the ground moving towards Luffy.

Ifrit did the same, with a backward movement while strengthening his muscles, he quickly collided with Moria's fist, creating a huge impact across the island as soon as the two connected.

The sight of the two giants in the middle of the island fighting terrified everyone who had not seen a fight at this level. With the two colossi hitting each other, everything began to shake.

The people in the forest, increasingly desperate, began to scream as they ran towards the opposite side of that chaos.

"We must flee from here! What kind of fight is this?" one of them shouted.

"Could one of them marry me?!" Lola asked, looking at the giants.

"What kind of question is that?!" All the men around him shouted at that moment, making faces.

As they screamed in fear and ran, trying to get away, reaching the far opposite end of Moria's ship, the crew watched the fight, standing firm, yet trembling. The castle began to crumble behind them, as some ran in fear.

"Everything is going to collapse!" Chopper shouted, circling around.

"This is not super cool...!" Franky exclaimed.

"We have to get out of here!" Brooke exclaimed, trying to find a place to run.

"Hey, where are you going?" Zoro spoke to him.

As Brooke tried to get away, he felt his bones being bitten. At that moment, Chouchou was clinging to him again, growling for him to come back. Brooke was startled and, before he could react, already growing, while not removing the teeth from his bones, he was lifted into the air and spat back to the group, as Chouchou returned to normal size, sitting there and barking.

"My mount!" Yamato complained, almost crying with the false Cerberus fallen on the ground, having lost its shadow and now turned into an inert body.

"I'll finish him!" Yamato complained again, grimacing as he drew his weapon to avenge his mount.

"Wait, Yamato. Luffy wouldn't like you getting involved in his fight," Nojiko commented.

"I guess you're right..." Yamato admitted, falling silent again, scratching his head.

Meanwhile, in the fight between Luffy and Moria, both seemed evenly matched as they dragged 50 meters to the opposite side across the terrain. Moria did not speak but just growled and once again, charged at Luffy, trying to hit him.

Luffy raised his forearm, defending from the attack and stopping it while he felt the impact and was dragged by the impact while lifting the ground with his feet for a few hundred meters.

Moria did not give Luffy an easy time and advanced trying to hit him with another arm, while creating a wind with the force of his giant fist, Ifrit then dodged by moving his head back, while Moria hit nothing, Luffy was below him, preparing an uppercut and sending it with force upwards, hitting Moria's face with a powerful impact.

The sound echoed throughout the ship, and with flames from his fist, Moria fell backwards, exploding trees as he rolled. The whole space was lifting up.

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