Chapter 220 - Water Seven 04.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy continued walking until he reached where Franky was, looking at him cautiously.

He said nothing as he walked, it was only when he sat down in front of the famous bully known throughout Water Seven that he greeted him. "So you're the famous Franky," he said and continued. "Like you, my name is Monkey D. Luffy. Do you mind if I drink your cola?" Luffy suggested and didn't even wait for the other's response before grabbing the cola bottle and bringing it to him.

The place was in utter silence, as everyone watched Luffy taking the bottle and opening it with the sound of gas, nobody moved a muscle, it didn't seem anymore like they were in a bustling place like the Franky House, after all who would dare breathe in the presence of this monster?

Luffy drank the cola calmly, not caring about what was happening around him. "You know... this is a bit disappointing, I was expecting a different taste, this seems more like Pepsi..." Luffy murmured with a tone of dissatisfaction, "Still, it's a nostalgic taste..." He said, drinking the rest of the container.

"Ahhh," he released the gas-filled breath and turned back to the pervert in front of him. "I just made a visit with your friend, Iceburg. A very nice guy, however, naive, I took some of his staff."

"Iceburg?" Franky finally snapped out of his shock upon hearing Luffy's words. "What did you do to him?" He asked worriedly.

"I did nothing to him, but there were some government agents looking for a kind of weapon, they hoped Iceburg had it..." Luffy gave a small smile, while Franky began to sweat. "It's a shame they looked in the wrong place, isn't it?" When Luffy said these words, a deadly silence took over the place more than ever.

Franky seemed to have lost his footing at that moment, paralyzed by Luffy's words, after all what was being discussed was the Pluton plans with him at that moment.

A moment passed and Franky finally made a move, jumping back, "I WILL NEVER HAND THIS OVER TO YOU!" He said gaining some courage and pointed his arm with a barrel in the middle of the palm at Luffy, who just looked amused at the cyborg.

Before Franky could shoot at Luffy, a hand grabbed him by the neck lifting him off the ground while Luffy was already in front of him like a kitten.

"You know you can't resist this..." He said calmly as Franky struggled to break free.

"Boss Franky!" His companions at the site shouted desperately at that.

"We should stop him!" One spoke up quickly.

"Even if we die here, we'll fight!" Another said.

Luffy was not bothered by them and around him, a wave of haki was released, making everyone there faint the next moment.

Franky, already scared, became even more alarmed seeing all his colleagues fallen on the ground, with no one else conscious.

Luffy used his free hand to open the cyborg's elbow, while he struggled, but in vain, Luffy took the papers inside him and threw him on the ground the next moment.

Franky fell stunned looking fearfully at Luffy as he looked at the papers. 'Let's at least read this...' Luffy thought and used his moa moa no mi to read everything quickly in less than 20 seconds and memorize everything, he at least wanted to understand a bit about this weapon, it might be useful for him to do some things with this information.

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