Chapter 297 - Impeldown 06.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marinefort, First Half of Grandline.



After passing through the prison guards, they finally came to the gate leading to the fifth level, which was frozen due to the harsh snow of the floor.

Luffy then opened the gate his way, disappearing and exploding it with a powerful punch to the metal, sending the door flying inward as it was destroyed.

With the cold air beginning to come towards them, and the crew members who had no affinity for ice, which was the element most present among the Devil Fruit users, being Yamato, Kuina, and Chouchou, or even fire, with Luffy and Reiju, all the others felt the icy wind as their bodies began to tremble.

"Luffy... Please, close this door!" Vivi immediately complained.

"Luffy..." Nojiko also complained in her way as she tried to warm herself up by generating small explosions in her hand.

"..." Robin didn't complain as she kept herself hugged with several created arms, but still trembling.

"Luffy!!! It's freezing!" Nami complained.

"I need to warm up!" Usopp shouted as he tried to create light to generate heat and Chopper tried to feel the warmth next to him.

"Oh? Sorry about that, here you go." Luffy looked at his crew and opened the system store, buying suitable clothes for the entire crew.

"Thank you!!" Chopper shouted, trembling as he put on his clothes.

"Nee... that's much better..." Hachi said, warming up with clothes for his six arms.

Luffy nodded and continued without putting on any extra clothes, just his cloak without a shirt.

"You certainly know how to tremble..." Reiju commented, looking at Lami.

"You wretch..." Lami murmured as she warmed up with her clothes. Reiju, on the other hand, had the phoenix flames and kept her pink dress with the feathers out, not minding entering a frozen area.

Luffy continued walking through the floor, as the scene of heat and lava was replaced by a frozen desert. As they walked through the place, there were many prisoners frozen in their cells.

"Are they dead...?" Shirahoshi asked while staying in warm clothes and clinging to Luffy's back as he generated heat.

"I think so... no one should survive this." Alvida replied while clinging to one of Luffy's arms and hanging from him.

"..." Vivi was clinging to the other arm.

"When are we leaving this place? I hate the cold..." Nami said as she had feathers around Luffy's waist, her breasts against his chest.

"..." Lami said nothing as she clung to Luffy's side, her breasts squeezed against his rib.

It was a common scene for these women when they arrived in cold regions, the same happened in the Drum Kingdom.

"Let's head straight for the exit from here..." Luffy said, not even bothered by being surrounded by women, while the rest of his crew could only see him being clung to from all sides.

They followed the direction Hannyabal had told Luffy, and it didn't take long to reach the place where there was the emergency entrance. They found a door on the ground sometime later with Luffy also knocking down all the wild wolves of this floor with his Haki.

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