Chapter 214 - Jack Again/Green Bull.

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



The sea was calm, while a ship stood still upon it at this moment, its flag waving with the wind, and its flag with a wild and powerful symbol made anyone immediately flee, after all, these were the Beast Pirates.

However, even carrying that name, the atmosphere on the ship didn't seem very good; they are doing basic things but still without much willingness as they sail.

Jack was sitting in a chair on the deck, he has been waiting for reinforcements for more than a month. But he had achieved nothing, and Queen, the only one who had spoken to him during this time, said that Kaido went to an unknown place and King after him to stop him and return, but it has been a month and he could not take his group of men to the first half of the Grand Line, not while Kaido and King do not return, which was worrying, since Kaido had taken the 6-month supply stock with him from looting.

"Mr. Jack..." A man dressed in the beasts' uniforms approached cautiously.

"What is it?!" Jack spoke in a bad mood, making the man afraid.

"A ship..." He began, but Jack was impatient.

"We've sunk hundreds of them in the last month, destroy that one too!" Jack ordered angrily.

"But..." The man seemed to want to say more.

"What is it?!" Jack looked at him.

"The ship's flag... it's the Straw Hats!" The man finally said and Jack quickly stood up.

"Is it them!! Are they here!?" He went to the side of the ship and saw the speck in the sea approaching.

"This is my chance! I will have my revenge on you! Straw Hat!" Jack growled as soon as he saw the ship's flag with a magnifying glass grabbed by his men.

On the Black Pearl, another person was looking at Jack's ship with a magnifying glass. He saw the ship and frowned before turning his attention back to the deck of the ship, where Luffy was sunbathing with his wives and while Chopper and the other animals were running around chasing each other.

"I Luffy!!" Usopp shouted, making Luffy move his sunglasses and look at his marksman. "There's a ship in our way! And it's the Beast Pirates!" He said.

"My father?!" Yamato asked beside him while wearing a bikini.

"It must be Jack, I'm surprised he's still here..." Luffy comments and looks back at Usopp.

"Can you take them down?" Luffy asks.

"ME?! But isn't Jack one of Kaido's calamities?!" Usopp gets scared for a moment.

"Come on Usopp, you're a brave warrior of the sea! You must show your power!" Luffy encourages him and Usopp seemed to have gained courage after that.

"YES!!! I am a brave warrior of the sea!" He said and went to his cabin, coming out of it with a huge weapon that Luffy gave the design for him to create.

"UOOOO!!!!" Chopper shouted excitedly seeing Usopp pulling out the weapon.

Soon many of the crew came to see the marksman placing the weapon on the edge of the Black Pearl as he prepared to launch a shot at the ship on the other side.

He positioned the weapon while having a great aim, Jack on the other side looked at a small reflection on the ship with the sunlight being reflected on Usopp's sight, wondering what that was.

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