Chapter 272 - Sabaody Archipelago 08.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Sabaody Archipelago, First Half of Grandline.



While the girl was protesting for Luffy to get out of there, he was approaching as she stared at him with her mouth agape, between him and the unconscious Tenryuubito being dragged along, while the mermaid on Luffy's back just looked on with curious eyes.

"Who is she, Luffy-Sama...?" she asked.

"This is Bonney, one of the pirates from the worst generation," Luffy commented.

Bonney growled at Luffy as he got closer, "What are you doing here? I told you to get this man out of here!" She shouted again.

It was a common reaction for anyone, after all, touching a Tenryuubito was practically declaring your own destruction.

"Why are you so angry??" Luffy remarked, cleaning his ears.

"Angry?! Do you know what you've done?" she began to scream, stomping on the ground like a child.

"Yes, I hit a Tenryuubito, it's very easy, you should try," Luffy commented.

"As if I would do something so stupid!" she shouted back at him, thinking Luffy was a clueless fool. Luffy just kept a tight smile.

"Come on, don't be like that, I'm here to talk to you." Luffy spoke calmly.

"Talk? An admiral is going to come here soon, and I don't want to get involved in this conflict. You're crazy, you might fight one, but we're not all like you, we're not at that level yet, you idiot, idiot, idiot!" she began to scream, kicking the ground.

"She seems very angry, she's so funny..." commented Shirahoshi, giggling quietly on his back.

"Who's funny!!!" Bonney growled at Shirahoshi.

Luffy just shrugged, Bonney reaching a point where she could no longer bear to talk with these crazy people and turned around to leave as quickly as possible.

"I met your father a few days ago..." Luffy suddenly said, and the girl immediately stopped, turning and looking at him with stunned eyes.

"It was funny, I was beating up a Shichibukai at that time, he showed up to stop me and we fought... I hit him a bit, and he really proved to be one of the most powerful Shichibukais..." Luffy commented, still remembering that he didn't come close to beating him, but surely landed some punches that even dented his tin.

A moment later, Luffy saw a hand grab his jacket near the neck as Bonney stood close to him, looking at him seriously. "How do you know about that?" she demanded immediately.

"Well, you could say I know a few things here and there, and more than that, I can help you," Luffy spoke unconcerned with the girl demanding answers in front of him.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, looking cautiously at this man.

"I won't say everything right away, but I want you under my flag," he said with a smile, his will wanting her to join his main crew.

"You think I would join you?" she snarled, finding the idea ludicrous.

"I know you're just a child, Bonney, that you use your fruit to transform your body into an adult and hide your age..." Luffy spoke, making her fall silent.

Luffy sighed before continuing. "I can help you, I can even help your father," he finally said, not wanting to waste time and getting straight to the point.

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