Chapter 222 - Preparations for battle 01!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marinefort, First Half of Grandline.



Sengoku adjusted his cape, straightened his clothes underneath, ran his hand through his long beard, and adjusted his glasses by pressing them closer to his face with a finger.

He looked into the mirror of his office and gazed at his reflection with satisfaction before turning around and beginning to leave the office. A group of soldiers was waiting for him as soon as he stepped out.

"Fleet Admiral!" They saluted respectfully as their hands went to their foreheads while the other hand remained clenched into a fist behind their backs.

"Come on, we're already late," Sengoku spoke and continued down the hallway as the navy soldiers followed closely behind.

"Is everyone already in the square?" Sengoku asked along the way.

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Sengoku," one of them spoke.

"Then let's head there immediately," he said, and continuing their path through Marineford and descending the grand structure, they finally emerged from one of its exits, a special one leading to the execution platform in front of the entire square.

However, today would not be a day for a public execution, as there was no prisoner to execute. Instead, the only being on that platform was an old man sitting at its edge, quietly eating his biscuit.

"Garp," Sengoku greeted as he approached with the sailors in tow.

"You've finally arrived, the sailors down there are getting restless waiting for you to show up," he said calmly while chewing on a new biscuit.

"Hm... hand me that den den mushi," he said and took the den den mushi placed next to Garp.

"You locked this thing up; it was a good opportunity to share my jokes, my students would certainly love to hear them. Buwhahahahaha," Garp laughed, spitting out his biscuit, which fell from that height, landing below and hitting a navy cap. The cap's owner was infuriated with the biscuit pieces falling on him, but he said nothing more while puffing on his cigarette.

"Akainu is getting furious with you..." Sengoku pointed out. "And that's exactly why I lock the microphone, so you don't end up embarrassing the navy," Sengoku growled soon after.

Ignoring Garp who laughed, he deactivated the microphone with a personal password and looked over all the men waiting for his speech. There were at least 10,000 sailors down there, all standing rigidly, with all the families of those sailors circling the square, bidding them farewell, as it might be the last time they would see each other.

Sengoku took a deep breath and began to speak, "Today, justice has gathered all of you here because it needs to put an end to a threat in these seas," Sengoku started.

People in the middle of the crowd like Coby, Helmeppo, and even Monkey D. Lucy were listening attentively to Sengoku's speech.

"The navy has been suffering great losses since this pirate group entered the East Blue, destroying navy bases and killing its commanders, yet still coming out unscathed," he began and took out a paper with the entire history of their target.

"It started with branch base number 153, killing Captain Morgan." Helmeppo shuddered upon hearing this. "Then there was a major destruction in Orange Town, they attacked a sergeant destroying his ship at sea, and it didn't stop there, base number 16 in the East Blue was also destroyed, killing Captain Nezumi as well," he continued as everyone listened and clenched their fists, with someone after doing all this, still roaming the seas, their blood screamed for justice. Sengoku also wouldn't say that Nezumi was a criminal, so he treated him as a victim here to add to the crimes of this group.

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