Chapter 58: Gleams of Hope

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Guess that's the price
Price that I pay
For falling so hard for you in less than a day

Got Me Good - DNCE

Lizzie's POV

October 15th, 2023

Today is Sunday and, as you can guess, I decided to come to the Marvel get-together that Y/N invited me to. I thought about coming today a lot, especially whether I should tell Robbie about it and come with him. In the end, I did tell him about the invitation, but he said no to coming from the beginning, alleging he had more important things to do at the studio, apart from the fact that he didn't want to hang out with my friends at all, more specifically, he didn't want to see Y/N.

Putting aside his immature attitude, I packed everything I would need for the day at the beach before driving over to the address in Santa Barbara where Y/N had texted me to go. After I parked, I got out of the car and met up with a few of the Marvel cast members that had already arrived. 'Power Strike' and Julie are also here.

"Hey guys", I greet everyone as I join them in the small circle they are gathered in. Everyone greets me back before Y/N and I make eye contact.

"Hey, you came", Y/N tells me with a smile before she pulls me in for a hug. I was taken aback by her actions, especially when she let go of Katie's waist to greet me, but I couldn't help but reciprocate the hug in full force. I have to cherish these moments of closeness with my Angel.

"Yeah, I wanted to relax a bit, just like you suggested", I reply before we pull away from the hug.

"Well, I'm really glad you came", Y/N tells me with her dorky smile before moving back to help Katie move forward.

"Hi Lizzie, we're happy you could join us", Katie greets me with a smile before moving to share a cheek kiss with me.

"Thank you", I reciprocate the act hesitantly.

"What happened with Robbie? Why didn't he come with you?", Katie asks me innocently, and I look back at Y/N, feeling a bit lost as to why Katie would ask about Robbie. Y/N just looks at me expectantly.

"He uh...he had to go to the studio. He said it was...really important, so I came...alone", I say with a heavy heart before looking down at my fidgeting hands. That's when I felt a hand softly rub circles over my back. I look up with glistening eyes, only to meet Y/N's soft gaze.

"Hey, forget about him. We don't need him. We'll have fun together, I promise", Y/N reassures me with her dorky smile, and I give her a thankful nod.

"Who are we missing?", Sebastian asks from behind me, making me turn around and get settled next to Y/N around the circle.

"Uh...we're only missing Scar's family. She told me they were going to be a bit late, but they should be arriving soon. How about you guys go save us a spot at the beach, before people start arriving?", Y/N suggests as the boys pick up the different chairs and parasols, and the girls walk behind them with coolers and stuff to do different activities at the beach, leaving Katie, Y/N, and me alone.

"Darling, don't forget to get our boards", Katie tells Y/N as her eyes shoot out in realization before she snaps her fingers and walks around the 4x4 truck they were leaning against, to get two surf boards off the roofs' rack.

"Thank you for reminding me, Mo Ghrá. What would I do without you?", Y/N tells Katie sweetly before leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. Katie giggles at Y/N before they share a loving kiss. I just take a big breath in and exhale deeply, gathering all the strength within me to not cry.

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