Chapter 1

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(I am uploading this from my tumblr which is Criolla_Star and my tumblr will be getting the chapters earlier, I just like writing over there)

After another long day at work Vinny finally felt relief as he was at his apartment door he let out a tired sigh before opening the door.

"Good afternoon Vinnyofngtv news",Garmadon said as he stared down at Vinny.

Vinny let out a little bit of a shriek surprised at the fact Garmadon was at the door waiting for him.

"O-oh god Garm, you scared me to death w-wow you don't just wait at the door for someone" Vinny stuttered out.

"I wasn't waiting at the door though"Garmadon replied. Vinny gave Garmadon a confused look.

"You weren't?How'd you know I was here??"Vinny questioned

Garmadon starkly replies "I heard your keys"

Vinny stared at him for a moment then opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then shut it thinking it was kinda his fault for fumbling with the keys so much.

Vinny let out a sigh of defeat and said"Well you're right you weren't at the door..", hearing this made Garmadon smirk.

Vinny went further into his apartment the dropped his bag onto the floor before face planting into the couch.

Garmadon stares at him surprised as he's never seen Vinny so tired before,"VinnyOfNgtvNews are you feeling alright?"The Oni asked.

"Mhm..yea I'm fine Garm, just tired I had a long day, and how many times do I need to tell you that you can just call me Vinny"The smaller sighed out tiredly. It wasn't that he minded being called that he just thought I should be easier like would he being calling Garmadon "lord Garmadon"all the time honestly it would be annoying having to hear in.

"Very well, I'll shall try my best to call you Vinny"Garmadon replied,

(also I changed the name)(edit)

(This is the first part next part is out tomorrow well at least for Australia)

(Byeee hope u enjoy)

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