Chapter 30

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He wanted to tell Wu everything but he couldn't tell him that he just straight up stabbed the reflection. Wu sat there trying to process everything he just heard. "I have never heard something like this before...and how would it know about you and my brother and what happened between Misako" Wu said out curiously.

Vinny shrugged, "The first one you saw was wearing a robe and bird mask but the reflection was disguised as you?" Wu said trying to get something straight, Vinny nodded, "And you haven't told anyone?" Wu added earning another nod, "A-and I forgot to mention that the reflection wanted to help me in some way?" Vinny said nervously earning a surprised look from Wu.

"W-what's with the look?" Vinny said out nervously seeing the look, "From what I know when a unknown being says to help you they attempt to corrupt you and make you evil" Wu said out worriedly, hearing this made Vinny tense and look at Wu, he had so many things going through he mind right now.

"W-why would anyone want my help? I'm not special in any way" Vinny spoke out as he itched his hand. " unsure, but please do tell me if this happens again and how did these being leave?" Wu asked, "W-well they just disappeared" Vinny responded.

"Interesting...I will see if my scrolls have anything similar to your descriptions and....did they do anything to you?" Wu spoke as he stood up and looked through his scrolls. "The reflection it grabbed my face a-and well...." Vinny said, he was nervous he wanted to tell him about the stabbing but didn't. "Vinny I assure you that you can trust me" Wu said in an attempt to comfort.

"Well it put a dagger in my hand and began threatening everyone saying that we should go after them first and then it said that it would make Garmadon feel miserable and that he hasn't changed and that he was a monster so then I used the dagger and fucking stabbed it in the chest a-and then it just pulled it out like nothing happened!" Vinny blurted out and slowly becoming more hysterical.

Wu stared at him worriedly and sat back down in front of him, "You stabbed it....calm down, I'm not judging you" Wu said as he helped Vinny breathe slower. "It's clearly real then, but it very clearly purposely wanted you to stab it as if...." Wu stopped talking as he went deeper into thought and looked away.

Vinny felt a wave of anxiety rush over him when Wu stopped talking, "A-as if what?" the cameraman asked, Wu looked up at him worriedly, "It's as if it's testing your worth and how far you go and how easy it would be to get you to harm someone" Wu said out worry present in his voice.

"Hah..." Vinny simply responded he was trying to mark how he really felt, "Well...tell me when you find anything about it...and thank you for the help" Vinny added as he stood up and left. Wu let him leave knowing he wasn't going through this easily, he looked out the room and saw Vinny smiling and laughing with Garmadon already.

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